Recorded at the 2011 Melville Intermediate Certificate Assembly, a performance of epic standard from the Melville Intermediate School Teachers Band. Featuring amongst others Mr Bell, Matua Taua, Whaea Lynndon, Mr Keegan and others it was a classic for the ages.
Classroom page of Y7/8 at Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato, NZ. (Formerly Room 8@ Melville Intermediate School). 2009-2013. This site is now closed.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Melville Survivor Episode Ten
This is the second to last episode of Melville: Survivor ever. It started in week one of term four and over the ten weeks of school there were nine eliminations in the nine episodes. The Y7 dominated to start with, winning three challenges in a row. The Y8's then staged a small comeback winning twice before the Y8s again lost, this proved crucial as the two teams joined and the Y8s lost Annika, before Mia won immunity forcing Harley out. Mia needed immunity in episode eight, but it wasn't to be and that left three players who've dominated all the way through... Tia from Room 12, Aylssa from Room 13 and Brandon from Room Nine. Only two could advance to the grand final and one had to turn on someone else, would Tia and Aylssa's bond hold, could Brandon break them in two? All will be revealed in the second to last episode ever...
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Melville Intermediate - School Ball 2011 Part Three
Throughout the final term of the 2011 year the Y8 students at Melville Intermediate School were involved in learning a series of formal dances for the end of Y8 School Leavers Ball, this took place on the second to last week of school and was a opportunity for students to celebrate their two years at Melville Intermediate School. On Thursday evening the night of the Ball, we had students arrive in all sorts of vehicles and transport to celebrate the year. This footage is of the night. For our international visitors a reminder that school in New Zealand has finished for the 2011 School Year and we will be returning in 2012 in the first week of February.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Thank you and Goodbye...
Schools out for New Zealand students as we enjoy the school holidays. Our pupils will be back in the first week of February 2012... if you would like to collaborate with them or get in touch with our class please leave a comment, and we'll deal with it when we can. The classroom teacher for this site (Mr Webb) is also moving classrooms during the break as well, which with either necessitate a new site or a name change... we'll keep you posted, happy holidays, enjoy the break and we'll see you all in 2012.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Edublogs Awards Nominations 2011
We were very pleased to find ourselves last week nominated again for the Edublog Awards - for best use of video. This is a fantastic award, with some great nominations, and some very esteemed company for our students to be keeping. The awards voting is open at present, although it closes shortly - we'd certainly encourage you to go and have a look at all the nominee's, not just in our category but also in some of the others where some of our online friends have been nominated.. so make sure you check it out and vote!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Melville Intermediate - R14 Ham East Blog Awards
This year one of the pages that we've been following closely has been the class page from Room 14 at Hamilton East Primary School. We've been watching them closely since they started and amazed with the progress that the students and teacher has made - including having nearly 2500 visitors to their class page in under a year, which is a huge achievement and being nominated for an Edublog Award for best class blog!
Recently the students had another wonderful learning experience, they're own class blog awards. Another innovative and creative idea for the students and Room Eight was proud to be nominated in a number of categories, not only that we won in Best Video, Quality Comments and Best Link, we were also a finalist in Best Class Blog and Most Helpful Class Blog. Have a look at this wonderful link if you are not a fan of their work already.
Recently the students had another wonderful learning experience, they're own class blog awards. Another innovative and creative idea for the students and Room Eight was proud to be nominated in a number of categories, not only that we won in Best Video, Quality Comments and Best Link, we were also a finalist in Best Class Blog and Most Helpful Class Blog. Have a look at this wonderful link if you are not a fan of their work already.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Melville Survivor - Melville Survivor Episode Nine
With only two episodes left its a crucial time. In episode Eight Mia was able to win the immunity donkey, forcing what had been a solid Y7 team to eliminate Harley. This left just four competitors. Mia from the original Y8 team and Tia, Alyssa and Brandon from the Y7s. In today's challenge the students had cones with their names on them on a table took turns throwing at each cone, once two cones were knocked over, it was out of the challenge. Could Mia win again and force the Y7's to eliminate each other again, or would she fall victim to the others? The grand final takes place this coming week and only one person can win...
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Y8 Ball Preparation 2011
One of the highlights of the Melville Intermediate School Year is the annual Ball held to celebrate the Y8's time at school. On Thursday MIS held their ball, the theme being 'Christmas'. These photos are of the preparation of the event. Photos taken by Amy from Room Twelve. Thanks to the decoration crew.
Y8 Ball 2011 MIS Preparation on PhotoPeach
When Whaea Shervan, Mrs Bleakin and some Y7 children were setting up the hall for the Y8 Ball they were putting out chairs and the snowmen. After morning interval they started putting up Christmas Trees and amazing murals. By the hall door in the office there was an arch with tinsel and paper. By the end of the school day it looked beautiful. The Y8's loved it.
Report and Photos by Amy, Room Twelve, Melville Intermediate School.
Y8 Ball 2011 MIS Preparation on PhotoPeach
When Whaea Shervan, Mrs Bleakin and some Y7 children were setting up the hall for the Y8 Ball they were putting out chairs and the snowmen. After morning interval they started putting up Christmas Trees and amazing murals. By the hall door in the office there was an arch with tinsel and paper. By the end of the school day it looked beautiful. The Y8's loved it.
Report and Photos by Amy, Room Twelve, Melville Intermediate School.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Melville Survivor: Episode Eight
This is the fourth to last episode of our TV salute with Melville: Survivor. In the last episode the two teams joined up and competed against each other individually for the first time. Annika and Harley ended up in a duel for immunity which Harley narrowly won, unfortunately for Annika and Room 18 that then saw her get eliminated. With Mia the only Y8 student left in the competition she was desperate to win the challenge to avoid elimination and force the Y7 students to turn on each other so she could continue to survive... watch what happened....
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Melville Survivor: Episode Seven
This is the first episode when the two competing teams have been combined into one. If you watched episode six you will know there was disaster for the Y8's during 'The List' were indecision and luck from the Y7s students saw them win a crucial episode, and Chieh-I paid the price, being the six player eliminated... for the first individual challenge, in this episode called 'The Lob' student had to throw a Hackey Sack at a chair and make sure it stayed on the flat side of the chair, first player to do it twice wins. Would the Y7s stick together? Could the Y8s win immunity and put pressure on the Y7? Find out with only three episodes to go until the grand final this is the most important episode ever!
Filmed on Tuesday 6th December by Mitchell and Kris, presented by Kelly from Room 8.
Filmed on Tuesday 6th December by Mitchell and Kris, presented by Kelly from Room 8.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Melville Survivor Episode Six
We're nearly reaching the end of Survivor: Melville! In the last episode the Y8 team continued their winning ways forcing the Y7 team to eliminate Rangi and Room Six. In this episodes challenge students were given a list earlier in the day and told it would be important later. They weren't given more information but in the challenge they were asked to recall the order in which things were - some had learned it and some hadn't! This was to prove crucial as this was the last team challenge... see what happened... filmed by Mitchell, assisted by Kris. Presented by Kelly. Filmed on Monday 5th December 2011.
Strawberry Ice Cream
Green Frog
Bass Guitar
Breath Mints
Old Hat
Brown Cow
Rice Pudding
Yellow Hat
Melville Survivor: Episode Six from myles webb on Vimeo.
For those of you playing along the list the students were given was:Banana
Strawberry Ice Cream
Green Frog
Bass Guitar
Breath Mints
Old Hat
Brown Cow
Rice Pudding
Yellow Hat
Monday, December 5, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Inter Intermediate Athletics 2011 Highlights
This is the second highlights video from the Waikato Inter Intermediate Competition at Porrit Stadium, Fairfield, filmed by Annika from Room 18.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Melville Survivor Recap.
For the past term the students of Melville Intermediate have had a class representative each in a weekly competition that's a homage to the TV Show Survivor. Its coming into the second to last week of competition. In the first episode the Y7 students worked as a team in the rope challenge, defeating the Y8 team who decided to vote off Jeeta. This put the Y7 students on a roll who defeated the Y8s again in the following week with episode two: Frisbee Challenge where Bradley and Room 8 were eliminated, before defeated them again with the dice throwing in episode three where Keegan and Room 5 went out. All the challenges had been close, it appeared that Lee was masterminding the Y7 team, it was surprising then in episode four when the Y8's finally won that Lee and Room Two were voted out, followed by Rangi and Room Six. in episode five. Things are very evenly balanced with a 4:3 situation and one more challenge before the teams combine. This week there's a hectic schedule - four eliminations over five days!
Melville Intermediate - CPA at Pepe Pacifika 2011
This is our final highlight of Melville Intermediate Schools 2011 Pepe Pacifika performance at Frankton Primary School. This is the Samoan section of the performance. Filmed in November by Mr Webb.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Melville Intermediate - CPA at Te Aroha
The Melville Intermediate Cultural Performing Arts Group the CPA rounded off its performances for 2011 with a show at Te Aroha on Thursday. This is footage from that show shot by Mitchell from Room Eight.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Shania at H Town Talent Quest
This is Shyniah from Room One's performance at the H-Town Talent Quest from Glenview in November 2011 filmed by Whaea Shervan from Room Twelve.
It was a fabulous night at the Talent Quest. Everyone was supportive and when I was on stage I felt very comfortable with the situation. Its a really great night and next year will be even better. Report by Shania, Room One.
It was a fabulous night at the Talent Quest. Everyone was supportive and when I was on stage I felt very comfortable with the situation. Its a really great night and next year will be even better. Report by Shania, Room One.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Melville Intermediate - School Rock Band 2011
This is the Melville Intermediate Y7 School Rock Band performing at the recent South H Town Talent Quest Show at Glenview. They are performing the Maroon Five Song 'Moves Like Jagger' featuring Jacob from Room Two on lead vocals. There's also an off stage cameo appearance from David from Room Eight! Filmed by Whaea Shervan in November 2011.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Melville Intermediate - 4x100m Y7 Girls Relay Team
One of the highlights from the Inter Intermediate Athletics this week was the performance of the Girls 4x100m Relay team. The Girls team of Amethyst, Praise and Maia (who also feature in our Girls Basketball team) as well as Aylsa (currently still in Melville Survivor) managed to finish second in the eleven school competition by the narrowest of margins, how close was it? Watch the videos of finals and see!
Filmed by Annika from Room 18 on Tuesday 29th November 2011.
On Tuesday 22nd of November a whole heap of children went to Athletics for Interschool. There were lots of schools there. There were four girls that ran in it relays it was Reanna, Alysssa, Praise and Maia who had been selected for Melville Intermediate Year 7 Girls. As we had our first race we had a really good start. At the beginning it was 10am. Maia was our first runner, she had done a really good start. Then Reanna was our second runner. She was a really good runner but we were just hanging on. Alyssa she started running. She was coming first until you seen a girl that suddenly run past Alyssa but she came second out of Waikato for relays. Thanks for reading this story. Written by Praise and Maia. We had a really good time at Athletics.
Filmed by Annika from Room 18 on Tuesday 29th November 2011.
On Tuesday 22nd of November a whole heap of children went to Athletics for Interschool. There were lots of schools there. There were four girls that ran in it relays it was Reanna, Alysssa, Praise and Maia who had been selected for Melville Intermediate Year 7 Girls. As we had our first race we had a really good start. At the beginning it was 10am. Maia was our first runner, she had done a really good start. Then Reanna was our second runner. She was a really good runner but we were just hanging on. Alyssa she started running. She was coming first until you seen a girl that suddenly run past Alyssa but she came second out of Waikato for relays. Thanks for reading this story. Written by Praise and Maia. We had a really good time at Athletics.
Melville Intermediate - Waikato Inter Intermediate Athletics 2011
This video features highlights from the 2011 Waikato Inter Intermediate Athletics Competition that was held at Porritt Stadium, Fairfield, Hamilton, on Tuesday 29th November 2011. Filmed by Annika from Room 18.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Aldrich at South H Town Talent Quest
South H-town Talent Quest
Friday 18th I arrived at Glenview community center at 5:00 pm.
I had to wait for two hours until I could perform. Whilst waiting I felt excited on the thought of performing. Before performing I had to warm up and do some exercises on the violin. Then those stage managers called me and said that I was going to be the next person to perform. When I got to the stage I felt really nervous that I might make a mistake. While I was performing I couldn’t concentrate on what I was playing due to the noises that the people make. In the end I got through the song without mistakes and came 3rd place.
By Aldrich C
The performance was good, but there was a lot of noise.
I didn’t get to see Aldrich perform but I could hear the
Music from his violin meters away.
By Kieran
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Edublogs Awards Nominations 2011

For best new blog we'd like to nominate Room 14 at Hamilton East Primary School in Hamilton. They've been only going such a short time but they've done such a great job, particularly to see their work on collaborating with countries around the world with their lunch boxes. A great start and can't wait to see how the teacher and the class works develops in the future.
For best student blog we'd like to nominate Miriams Magical Moments. Miriam was a student who was in Mrs Yollis classroom last year, and she's one of the best teachers online that there is, and Miriams blog is everything that you'd want from a student.
For best class blog, there can be only one. Mrs Yollis class blog from California is the ultimate in class pages, the quality of the work is sensational and breath taking and the work is an inspiration for everyone whose online to aspire too. She was runner up last year for this, and she deserved that accolade also deserves to be up there again. Awe inspiring.
Best Twitter Hashtag is one that I use all the time, #Comments4kids this was developed by Will Chamberlain, Mr C from Mr C's class page, for encouraging commenting on students work around the world, if you have not used this when you have free time to leave some comments, or looking to get comments for your students from around the world, its a fantastic use of a social networking to improve schoolwork.
Best Group Blog - Dr Stranges EDM310 page from the University of South Alabama. We might be on the other side of the world but we've been following the progress of the students and they've been viewing our students work, encouraging our students and leaving invaluable feedback for us. This site is responsible for bringing into teaching a group of teachers who will be online, relevant and up to date. Phenomenal.
Melville Intermediate - Pepe Pacifika 2011
Last Thursday Melville Intermediate CPA - Cultural Performing Art Group performed at the 2011 Pepe Pacifika festival in Hamilton. There were many other schools there including Frankton, Deanwell School and our friends from Hamilton East School. It was a windy day but the Melville Intermediate students looked stunning in their costumes and put on a great performance, complete with three costume changes. This is the Maori section on the day. Filmed by Mr Webb on Thursday 24th November 2011.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Melville: Survivor Episode Five
We've reached the half way mark with our episodic TV series shot, filmed and produced by the students of Room Eight. In episode four the Y7 team lost its first elimination challenge sending them to the vote, when they voted off Lee from Room Two. In todays challenge there were two regular players away for the Y7s Rangi who was replaced by Mitchell in R6 and Brandon who was replaced by Simon. The Y7's team work hadn't been the greatest in the last challenge, and the Y8's were feeling confident after stopping three losses in a row. Given that the merge of the two teams is just around the corner winning today was more important that ever....
In today's challenge the teams had to race across the field, collecting letters that were written in three separate locations on the base of chairs. They then had to race back to the solving area and attempt to solve the word puzzle, using all the letter more quickly than the other team... with only five episodes left until the grand final this episode was crucial for one team....
Filmed on Friday 25th November 2011 at Melville Intermediate, todays production team was Mitchell, Kelly, Kris and Shania from Room Eight.
In today's challenge the teams had to race across the field, collecting letters that were written in three separate locations on the base of chairs. They then had to race back to the solving area and attempt to solve the word puzzle, using all the letter more quickly than the other team... with only five episodes left until the grand final this episode was crucial for one team....
Filmed on Friday 25th November 2011 at Melville Intermediate, todays production team was Mitchell, Kelly, Kris and Shania from Room Eight.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Pepe Pacikifa 2011
Tonight at Frankton Primary School in Hamilton was the 2011 Pepe Pacifika showcase, a showcase of Pacific Students and their culture for Hamilton. There were a large number of schools performing and Melville Intermediate Cultural Performing Arts Group, CPA.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Melville:Survivor Episode Four
With only three weeks to go before the conclusion of this series yesterday saw an important challenge. The Y7 team were on a three episode unbeaten streak with the Y8s losing Jeta from Room 14 in episode 1, Bradley from Room 8 in episode 2 and Keegan in episode three, another loss would see them on the brink of elimination before the two tribes merged. Filming took place yesterday on the 21st November the production team was Mitchell, Kris and Kelly.
Melville Intermediate - Melville Survivor Episode Four from myles webb on Vimeo.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Answers for 2nd Grade Superstars
A full explanation of this video is being written by one of our students today. This is for the 2nd Grade Superstars in the USA!
Favourite Food and Sport in Room 8 - 2011 from myles webb on Vimeo.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Melville Intermediate - CPA Auckland 2011
CPA - Auckland 2011 on PhotoPeach
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Melville Intermediate - CPA at Waiuku School Part Two
After months of after school practices, determination, and hard works the C.P.A group of M.I.S 2011 preformed in public for the first time.
With a group of over 15 girls and 3 boys our numbers were low but that didn’t discourage us. We were determined to try our best and to put in all our hard work so that it all pays off.
We made a quick stop at Waiuku Primary School. It seemed like forever to get there. When we did we put our makeup on then raced in. A lady from Waiuku Primary showed us where to get changed and to perform. We got dressed into our Maori costume then very quietly walked to the other side of the stage. We were all nervous and hoping we wouldn’t muck up. The time came. We walked on stage with our biggest smiles. It looked like the whole school was there and hundreds of eyes waiting to see us with excitement. “Huratea” I yelled. We took them through a Maori experience, showing how our ancestors expressed their feelings using song and dance.
First up was a slow and rhythmic song called: E Te Atua. Then an inviting and cheerful song called Papaki Nui. We then went into the poi and then finished off with E Noho Tuheitia. We heard the crowd cheer. My self confidence went up a little. We walked off stage and got changed into our Samoan costume. When we were ready the music began to play. We just had fun and tried our best. Hawaiian was next, and we quickly got dressed. Our first Hawaiian performance was the Kahiko. Then some girls did the dance: Pearly Shells. Then the rest of the girls did the dance to a Lilo and Stitch song. The very last performance for the day was the Hawaiian instruments. We were broken up into three categories. Some students used the Uli Uli’s when others used the Ipu then last group of students used an instrument formed like a stick to bang them together to make a noise. We went on one group at a time. We then ended with a big hey! We were finally done, and I think that we done really well. We tidied up our costumes, put them into our cars and then made our way to the Marae.
We were welcomed with a small Powhiri then we had a snack. After that we went to the Wave pools. We were so excited. We had just over an hour to swim. After our swim we had a little bit of down time to relax. Then we had dinner which was Nachos and Chop Suey. For desert we had ice cream, fruit salad and brownies. Then it was lights-out by 9:00pm.
With a group of over 15 girls and 3 boys our numbers were low but that didn’t discourage us. We were determined to try our best and to put in all our hard work so that it all pays off.
We made a quick stop at Waiuku Primary School. It seemed like forever to get there. When we did we put our makeup on then raced in. A lady from Waiuku Primary showed us where to get changed and to perform. We got dressed into our Maori costume then very quietly walked to the other side of the stage. We were all nervous and hoping we wouldn’t muck up. The time came. We walked on stage with our biggest smiles. It looked like the whole school was there and hundreds of eyes waiting to see us with excitement. “Huratea” I yelled. We took them through a Maori experience, showing how our ancestors expressed their feelings using song and dance.
First up was a slow and rhythmic song called: E Te Atua. Then an inviting and cheerful song called Papaki Nui. We then went into the poi and then finished off with E Noho Tuheitia. We heard the crowd cheer. My self confidence went up a little. We walked off stage and got changed into our Samoan costume. When we were ready the music began to play. We just had fun and tried our best. Hawaiian was next, and we quickly got dressed. Our first Hawaiian performance was the Kahiko. Then some girls did the dance: Pearly Shells. Then the rest of the girls did the dance to a Lilo and Stitch song. The very last performance for the day was the Hawaiian instruments. We were broken up into three categories. Some students used the Uli Uli’s when others used the Ipu then last group of students used an instrument formed like a stick to bang them together to make a noise. We went on one group at a time. We then ended with a big hey! We were finally done, and I think that we done really well. We tidied up our costumes, put them into our cars and then made our way to the Marae.
We were welcomed with a small Powhiri then we had a snack. After that we went to the Wave pools. We were so excited. We had just over an hour to swim. After our swim we had a little bit of down time to relax. Then we had dinner which was Nachos and Chop Suey. For desert we had ice cream, fruit salad and brownies. Then it was lights-out by 9:00pm.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Melville Intermediate - School Athletics
Students of Melville Intermediate School are busy preparing for our final sports event of 2011, the Inter Intermediate Athletics Competition, which is being held at Poritt Stadium, Hamilton in a fortnight. Yesterday we held the heats for the 100m sprints where each classroom had to have four nominated Boys and Girls runners for the competition into random heats, top two students from each race advance towards tomorrows finals.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Melville Intermediate - CPA at Waiuku School
On Monday and Tuesday the Melville Intermediate CPA - Cultural Performing Arts Group travelled to Auckland to preform for the first time this year. On the way they were able to give a very special performance at Waiuku Primary School, this was one of the schools that our students had been Skyping with during the year to improve Maori language, so the students were able to have the thrill of preforming to some of our online friends. Mackenzie was on hand with the school camera to record the event and this is some of the highlights.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Melville Intermediate - CPA Trip 2011
On Monday 7th November was the day when the CPA went to Auckland, we all travelled in the Melville High School vans. We had a lot of parent helpers with us. Everyone contributed something like baking, cereal and more. We were looking for Waiuku Primary School but we got lost so Michelle (Shyniah's Mum) asked for directions. We finally found Waiuku Primary School for our first performance.
I grabbed my costume and went to the hall. There were so many kids but I wasn't nervous. We had only two to three minutes to get into our costumes, there was a Maori, Samoan, and Hawaiian costumes. It was time for the performance, we had to smile for the entire show. Our show was amazing I felt so proud and excited.
I went back to the van for the Powhiri at the marae where we were staying, and where we were going to meet Matua Peter. When we got there a lady was welcoming us to her marae and we sung songs then got our beds ready. After we were settled in we went to the pools with a hydro-slide, wave pools and spa. It was awesome, my favourite was the hydro slide. Two hours later we went back to the marae to relax. Dinner time, the food was delicious, there was nachos, and chop suey and ice cream with brownies for dessert... mmm.... We had a practice and got ready for bed..... zzz....
We got up at six am and got ready for our next performance, but first we had breakfast. The stage was huge, I did my best and we were great. After the performance we went to museum, then we went back to Hamilton and got Ice Cream! Report by Hayze from Room Eight, this footage is of the Auckland Performance on the second day of the 2011 CPA Trip, filmed by Mackenzie from Room Eight.
I grabbed my costume and went to the hall. There were so many kids but I wasn't nervous. We had only two to three minutes to get into our costumes, there was a Maori, Samoan, and Hawaiian costumes. It was time for the performance, we had to smile for the entire show. Our show was amazing I felt so proud and excited.
I went back to the van for the Powhiri at the marae where we were staying, and where we were going to meet Matua Peter. When we got there a lady was welcoming us to her marae and we sung songs then got our beds ready. After we were settled in we went to the pools with a hydro-slide, wave pools and spa. It was awesome, my favourite was the hydro slide. Two hours later we went back to the marae to relax. Dinner time, the food was delicious, there was nachos, and chop suey and ice cream with brownies for dessert... mmm.... We had a practice and got ready for bed..... zzz....
We got up at six am and got ready for our next performance, but first we had breakfast. The stage was huge, I did my best and we were great. After the performance we went to museum, then we went back to Hamilton and got Ice Cream! Report by Hayze from Room Eight, this footage is of the Auckland Performance on the second day of the 2011 CPA Trip, filmed by Mackenzie from Room Eight.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Y8 Girls Netball at Variety Show
This is our final video from the Melville Intermediate School 2011 Variety Show... this video features the players of the 2011 Y8 Netball team, including members from the team from Room Eight, filmed by Ben, Benita and Mackenzie at the School Hall on the day of the performance.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Melville Intermediate - CPA at School Assembly
As its coming to the end of the School year in New Zealand our Melville Intermediate School Cultural Performing Arts Group (CPA) are preparing for their end of year shows. This year next week they head for Auckland to compete in a cultural competition, but not before they perform for Waiuku Primary School on the way! We're also preparing for a series of shows locally at other schools and venues. Yesterday on Thursday 3rd November the CPA performed for Melville Intermediate School as part of the school assembly, before a full day of rehearsals. This was filmed by Shayne and Hannah.
CPA at School Assembly 3rd November from myles webb on Vimeo.
CPA at School Assembly 3rd November from myles webb on Vimeo.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Kate's Commenting Tips from Australia
Recently I discovered a fantastic comment from a student, Kate S whose a student in Mrs Viney classroom in Australia. I really liked how Kate had identified some key area's of commenting, and this is her orignial comment:
Hello Mrs V,
How are you???
I think a quality comment is almost like a letter. You greet them, and you give them the message. You should always be considerate of others because lots of people from around the world will be looking at your response. If we were writing a guide I’d put in a few rules like:
1. Use the right punctuation; you don’t want to seem unfriendly, especially because others don’t know if it’s a joke or not if you use the wrong punctuation.
2. Don’t get straight to the point, greet them and ask a friendly question. You won’t seem really rude. After you write your comment, maybe ask them a question and say goodbye.
3. Be specific about what you’re writing about. If you talk about something that’s relevant but not specific, the other person may not get what you’re talking about, and the conversation might lose track.
4. It’s always nice to have answered questions, so you should answer people’s questions, you can get a nice conversation going.
5. Remember to use capital letters and full stops. Also, remember that you only use one exclamation mark when you’re excited because if you use two or three you might seem like you’re shouting.
That’s my guide to writing quality comments.
Kate S.
I gave all the students copies of Kate's wonderful work, asked them to review it and highlight the five most important facts in their opinion about the article and then instructed them to go us it for practical means and go and leave a quality comment.
Hello Mrs V,
How are you???
I think a quality comment is almost like a letter. You greet them, and you give them the message. You should always be considerate of others because lots of people from around the world will be looking at your response. If we were writing a guide I’d put in a few rules like:
1. Use the right punctuation; you don’t want to seem unfriendly, especially because others don’t know if it’s a joke or not if you use the wrong punctuation.
2. Don’t get straight to the point, greet them and ask a friendly question. You won’t seem really rude. After you write your comment, maybe ask them a question and say goodbye.
3. Be specific about what you’re writing about. If you talk about something that’s relevant but not specific, the other person may not get what you’re talking about, and the conversation might lose track.
4. It’s always nice to have answered questions, so you should answer people’s questions, you can get a nice conversation going.
5. Remember to use capital letters and full stops. Also, remember that you only use one exclamation mark when you’re excited because if you use two or three you might seem like you’re shouting.
That’s my guide to writing quality comments.
Kate S.
I gave all the students copies of Kate's wonderful work, asked them to review it and highlight the five most important facts in their opinion about the article and then instructed them to go us it for practical means and go and leave a quality comment.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Melville Intermediate - October 2011
October 2011 on PhotoPeach
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Japanese students exchange
On Monday 31st of October the extension cooking class had the privledge to cook with the Japanese students from Ritsumeikan Keisho Junior High School. Mrs Brown wanted them to have a 'New Zealand' experience so we made Hokey Pokey and Pavlova rolls.
Each student in extension cookng had been assigned 2-3 students each. First Dante and Shanon showed the students how to make Pavlova. After it was made they had to put it in the oven then cool it. While that was happening we made Hokey Pokey. We let the Japanese students measure out five tables of sugar and two tablespoons of golden syrup. We had to put it on the stove until it boiled. Then we added the baking soda. It started to get all sticky so we quickly put it in the dish. Half of the mixture was in the pot. It was hard to get it off. The Japanese students were amazed with the consistency of the Hokey Pokey. We left it to cool down.
Finally the Pavlova was ready. They cut them in half with sandwhich cream in between. It was topped off with cream and Kiwifruit, The Japanese students got plates and formed a line. Dante, Shannon, and Morgen and I served Pavlova and Hokey Pokey Ice Cream.
The Japanese students didn't like the pavlova because it was too sweet but overall I think that they enjoyed the experience. Kennedy Room Eight.
Cooking with Friends from Japan on PhotoPeach
Each student in extension cookng had been assigned 2-3 students each. First Dante and Shanon showed the students how to make Pavlova. After it was made they had to put it in the oven then cool it. While that was happening we made Hokey Pokey. We let the Japanese students measure out five tables of sugar and two tablespoons of golden syrup. We had to put it on the stove until it boiled. Then we added the baking soda. It started to get all sticky so we quickly put it in the dish. Half of the mixture was in the pot. It was hard to get it off. The Japanese students were amazed with the consistency of the Hokey Pokey. We left it to cool down.
Finally the Pavlova was ready. They cut them in half with sandwhich cream in between. It was topped off with cream and Kiwifruit, The Japanese students got plates and formed a line. Dante, Shannon, and Morgen and I served Pavlova and Hokey Pokey Ice Cream.
The Japanese students didn't like the pavlova because it was too sweet but overall I think that they enjoyed the experience. Kennedy Room Eight.
Cooking with Friends from Japan on PhotoPeach
Melville Intermediate - Cooking with our Japanese students
On Monday 31st October 2011 myself Hannah, Shanon, Kylie, Kennedy and Morgen went to the cooking room after morning tea. We went there to teach half the Japanese students how to make Pavlova and they got to make Hokey Pokey. First me and Shannon went up the front of the class and taught them how to make Pavlova. We demonstrated and they were all looking at us. I don't think that they understood us very well. We then put it in the oven. While it was in the oven we made Hokey Pokey with them. All Hokey Pokey is made of is sugar, golden syrup and baking soda. While the Hokey wa setting we decorated the pavlova and got some plates ready. We served it to the students. We gave them a slice of Pavlova with cream and kiwi fruit and one slide of Hokey Pokey ice cream. They told the Japanese teacher that it was really sweet. I think that they still enjoyed it though. They left and we cleaned up and came back to class. We all really enjoyed the experience. Report by Dante Room Eight. This video of the students working in the cooking room was filmed by Hepa from Room Eight.
Cooking with friends from Japan from myles webb on Vimeo.
Cooking with friends from Japan from myles webb on Vimeo.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Melville:Survivor Episode Three
This is episode three of our weekly episodic TV show shot by the students of Room Eight at Melville Intermediate School and featuring the students competing against each other in two tribes in the manner of the TV show survivor. Episode Three comes after the Y8 tribe has lost the first two challenges with Jeeta (Rm14) being eliminated in Episode One, followed by Bradley from Room Eight in the last episode. Its fair to say that the Y8 team is desperate to avoid a third straight loss coming into this episode of the show. Filmed at Melville Intermediate School on Friday 28th October 2011, filmed by Ben, Mitchell and Kris, presented by Kelly.
Melville Intermediate - Waterbass 'Millionaire'
Nearly completing our postings from Melville Intermediate Schools huge talent quest at the end of Term Three for 2011, this is the Y8 band of students collectively known as Waterbass and their rendition of the song 'Millionaire' as performed to the school assembly on Friday 7th October 2011.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Melville Intermediate - 2011 Interface Awards
This week we became aware that our students work had seem them nominated in the 2011 Interface Awards. Interface is a New Zealand ICT magazine that's very popular in schools, so to have our work honoured with a nomination was a big thrill. We've made the top five finalists in best use of a free ICT tool, for using Skype to teach Maori Language. Voting now commences for the top five in each category, you can visit the Interface site here, click here to see the nomination in full or click here for our most recent example of using Skype. Thanks to the students who created the work, Interface magazine for the nomination and we'll keep you posted as to how we do with the competition.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Jade, Faith, Veronica 'Bubbly'
This is footage of the Y7 Girls Signing group comprising of Anna, Faith, Jade and Veronica at the School Variety Show, performing on Friday 7th October. If you would like to purchase a DVD copy of this show, we are using it as fundraiser for Melville Intermediate Girls Basketball, you can order one through Mr Webb from Room Eight for $4.00. Filmed by Mackenzie, Ben and Benita in the School Hall.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Melville Intermediate - 'Unknown' Moves Like Jagger
This is footage of the Y7 School band at last terms Variety Concert that closed the term performing 'Moves Like Jagger' which is by Maroon 5 and Christina Aguilera, this performance was filmed in the Melville Intermediate School Hall on Friday 7th October 2011 by Mackenzie, Benita and Ben.
Unknown - Moves Like Jagger 2011 from myles webb on Vimeo.
Unknown - Moves Like Jagger 2011 from myles webb on Vimeo.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Ritsumeikan High School Powhiri
Ritsumeikan High School Powhiri on PhotoPeach
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Melville Intermediate - School Holidays 2011
Thanks for your visit to our class page, our students are currently on the second week of the 2011 term three school holidays. They will return to school on Tuesday 26th October and will resume posting and commenting then.
Melville Intermediate: 'Unknown' Sun Goes Down
'Unknown' are the Y7 Melville Intermediate School Band, on the day of the School Variety Showcase Jakob whose one of the three main singers couldn't make it, but not to worry Alyssa from Room Thirteen stepped up and took over co-vocal duties, this is their version of the song 'Sun Goes Down'. Filmed by Ben, Mackenzie and Benita at the school talent quest on Friday 7th October 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Melvile Intermediate - IDK at School Variety Show.
Featuring from Room Eight on guitar Lana, on bass guitar Shania, guest musician on drums Mr Bell the music teacher, and lead singer was Kelly from Room Eight. Also filmed by Ben, Benita and Mackenzie from Room Eight at Melville Intermediate School Hall, Friday 7th October 2011.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Melville Intermediate - SSMA at the School Talent Quest
On Friday 7th October Melville Intermediate School concluded Term Three with our school variety show. There were 12 different acts during the afternoon performing a variety of the arts from dancing to music and singing. One of the group performances was SSMA (Sita, Mana, Annika and Shyniah) who performed 'Valerie'. As with the other highlights from this show this was filmed by Mackenzie and Ben from Room Eight at the Melville Intermediate School Hall.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Aldrich at School Talent Quest
On the final day of School for Term Three, a week ago on Friday 7th October we finished the term with the school talent quests. One of the outstanding acts and surprise packages from the afternoon was the star turn of Aldrich from Room Eight. Aldrich played violin first as part of the school violin group, which although he's not part of he was able to contribute too, but also performed accompanied by Mr Bell the Melville Intermediate School Music Teacher. Aldrich has been playing violin for six years.
A lot of students from Melville Intermediate haven't heard the violin from a performance perspective before but Aldrich did such an amazing job by the end of the performance he had converted a number of students! These two videos were recorded by Ben, Mackenzie and Benita from the show and were recorded in our school hall on Friday 7th October.
Melville Intermediate students are currently on their term three holidays, with another week to go they will be back at school on Tuesday 25th October. See you all then.
A lot of students from Melville Intermediate haven't heard the violin from a performance perspective before but Aldrich did such an amazing job by the end of the performance he had converted a number of students! These two videos were recorded by Ben, Mackenzie and Benita from the show and were recorded in our school hall on Friday 7th October.
Melville Intermediate students are currently on their term three holidays, with another week to go they will be back at school on Tuesday 25th October. See you all then.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Talent Quest 2011
On the last day of the school term for last term we held the annual Melville Intermediate School Talent Quest. We had a huge range of acts on the afternoon at school this video is of Charisma (Alyssa, Leiana, Amythest and Jade) performing 'Price Tag'. Filmed by Mackenzie, Ben and Benita on Friday 7th of October 2011 at the Melville Intermediate School Hall.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Positive Draw Y8 T3
This is the corresponding draw for our Y8 students at the end of term three. The prize draw is available to any student of Melville Intermediate School whose identified as upholding the key school values during the term, the box was nearly filled to capacity for this draw and one of the lucky students whose name was called out was able to walk to the front of assembly and claim their prize. Room Eight not only had several winners in this draw they were able to document the event as recorded by Mackenzie, Ben and Bentia on Friday 7th October 2011.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Y7 Positive Draw
As our major reward system at Melville Intermediate School students are able to receive a 'positive' for good behaviour. These slips when filled out and signed by a teacher are then put into a large container and at the end of each ten week block or term a limited number are pulled and the student concerned is able to select a prize from the prize draw. This took place on Wednesday during the final week of term three. This video was filmed by Mitchell from Room Eight and is presented by Kelly from Room Eight.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Otumoetai Intermediate Maths 2011
On Thursday 29th of September 2011three year seven students from Melville Intermediate School who were Jarom Bohm, Trey Dixion and Lee Farrar-Johnson went to Tauranga to Otumoetai Intermediate to compete in their annual Maths competition. We were choosen to go for our amazing test scores and talents in Maths. When we arrived at the Intermediate at 5:30pm we saw many other schools there already. There were approximatley 20 schools there which is a lot because there were both 'a' and 'b' teams for some schools. When we went inside the hall at 6:00pm there were desks spread out all over the place, me and the other Year 7 students found our desk and sat down. After a while the co-ordinator for Baymaths stood up and told us we would be doing an individual test that would take ten minutes. After that we did a team challenge that lasted for twenty minutes and a timed challenge that had one question every three minutes. When we were at the last question, I can't recall what it was but after thirty seconds we called out 195 which happened to be the answer. At the prize giving Berkley took home the award for Y7s and Y8s among some other trophies and we came 15th out of about 30 teams but that's still pretty good. At 8:30pm we left to drive back to Hamilton, on the way our parents stopped and brough us Wendy's but it was still a long trip and we didn't get back until 10:30pm
Monday, October 3, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Stonefields School Finn and Damien
Firstly have a look at this video of some dancing that was created by Finn and Damien from Stonefields School in Auckland. We found this on their class page today, and really enjoyed watching it as it made up smile and happy.
This would be about the second time ever in over 1050 posts that we've used someone else's work on this page, but nevermind. The original post talks about the dancing spreading, which led Mr Webb to think about getting some students from Melville Intermediate School to copy Damien and Finn's dance and reproduce it here at school. Today we have Giovan in helping Mr Webb after lunch, we showed him Finn and Damiens video which he loved, and here's his take on that song and the dancing:
This would be about the second time ever in over 1050 posts that we've used someone else's work on this page, but nevermind. The original post talks about the dancing spreading, which led Mr Webb to think about getting some students from Melville Intermediate School to copy Damien and Finn's dance and reproduce it here at school. Today we have Giovan in helping Mr Webb after lunch, we showed him Finn and Damiens video which he loved, and here's his take on that song and the dancing:
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Melville: Survivor Episode Two
This is our second week of classroom competition. The Y7 team won the first challenge last week, and the Y8 team decided to eliminate Jeeta from Room 14. This week the two teams met again in the second challenge - which you can view here.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Melville Intermediate - New Block of Options have started
At Melville Intermediate School we've a new block of school options that have started, which are our last for 2011, as shortly we will being our fourth and final school term of 2011. On Thursday Sativa and Sasha visited a number of classrooms at Melville Intermediate School so you would be able to view the electives that our students had the opportunity to take part in.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Teaching Maori Using Skype
Today we had a session with students from Waiuku Primary School. Hayze and Mackenzie from Room Eight spoke to Waiuku during Maori Language Week, and worked with the students to help them with their Mihi (traditional Maori Greeting). They were keen to talk with us again and show us how they had improved - and wow what an improvement they'd made since last time. They had obviously been doing a huge amount of practise. This video shows some highlights from that session.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Inter Intermediate Table Tennis 2011
Int Intermediate Table Tennis 2011 on PhotoPeach
Today the Waikato Inter Intermediate Table Tennis competition was held in Hamilton. Melville fielded a Boys and Girls team in the competition. The Boys finished 6th and the Girls managed to come 4th. Well be updating this post with team reports as they come in. Well done to everyone involved and to Mitchell who took these images and filmed this video of Kyle from Room 18 in competition. A big thank you to Mitchell's Dad and Otis's Dad who helped with the school teams on the day.
This is Alicia from Room 5's account of Table Tennis:
We walked into this giant hall, there was about sixteen teams there and some of them looked very serious - others were relaxed. Some of the other kids and I had the worst case of the butterflies. The hall had about 15 tables. The girls first game was against Morrinsville. Amythst and I were the first two to play off. We won the first and second game, so we didn't have a third game. Then it was Sita and Anika's turn to play against the other two players, unfortunately they lost both of their games. In our singles I won both my games, Ami won both, Sita won 1 and lost 2 and Anika won 1 and lost two. We played Berkley School, it was a very interesting game, we all lost except one of mine and Ami's doubles and two of Ami's singles. She was winning pretty much every time. We made it into the finals. We had to play Berkley again, and it was the same result. At the end of the day we were so tired from playing so many schools but we were ready to hear the results. "Melville Girls 4th" said the lady in charge. "Woo hoo" cheered all the teams that we were friends with.
Today the Waikato Inter Intermediate Table Tennis competition was held in Hamilton. Melville fielded a Boys and Girls team in the competition. The Boys finished 6th and the Girls managed to come 4th. Well be updating this post with team reports as they come in. Well done to everyone involved and to Mitchell who took these images and filmed this video of Kyle from Room 18 in competition. A big thank you to Mitchell's Dad and Otis's Dad who helped with the school teams on the day.
This is Alicia from Room 5's account of Table Tennis:
We walked into this giant hall, there was about sixteen teams there and some of them looked very serious - others were relaxed. Some of the other kids and I had the worst case of the butterflies. The hall had about 15 tables. The girls first game was against Morrinsville. Amythst and I were the first two to play off. We won the first and second game, so we didn't have a third game. Then it was Sita and Anika's turn to play against the other two players, unfortunately they lost both of their games. In our singles I won both my games, Ami won both, Sita won 1 and lost 2 and Anika won 1 and lost two. We played Berkley School, it was a very interesting game, we all lost except one of mine and Ami's doubles and two of Ami's singles. She was winning pretty much every time. We made it into the finals. We had to play Berkley again, and it was the same result. At the end of the day we were so tired from playing so many schools but we were ready to hear the results. "Melville Girls 4th" said the lady in charge. "Woo hoo" cheered all the teams that we were friends with.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Melville Intermediate - What we know about Denmark & the USA
As our friends in the United States of America and Europe have returned to school we thought that it would be a good time to recap about our students knowledge of other countries. One of the connections that we were lucky enough to make last year was with Vonslid School in Denmark, they really have some of the best online work that you will ever see from that side of the world and its always very interesting to see their views on things. They have many different levels of schooling and work but a great place to start is on their main English class page which you can click on and visit here. Today we grabbed a camera found some students who were available in this case Shayne and Hayze (who is one of our Maori speakers online) and asked them to recall facts about Denmark.
Denmark: Shayne and Hayze from myles webb on Vimeo.
Other than New Zealand the second most visits that we receive is from the USA. Even though its far away it has a huge cultural influence on us, we're about to start Skyping again with classrooms in the USA, since our knowledge about Denmark went so well we choose two outstanding pupils, Bradley and Mitchell and asked for a few short words about their knowledge of the USA
R8 Knowledge - USA: Bradley and Mitchell from myles webb on Vimeo.
Finally since this had worked so well we took both and combined them with the students from Room Eight that were in music extension preparing for our end of term concert next week. Ronnie and Jess spoke from Room 12 spoke to them in the music room - Lana, Kelly, Shania and Shaylee.
Untitled from myles webb on Vimeo.
Denmark: Shayne and Hayze from myles webb on Vimeo.
Other than New Zealand the second most visits that we receive is from the USA. Even though its far away it has a huge cultural influence on us, we're about to start Skyping again with classrooms in the USA, since our knowledge about Denmark went so well we choose two outstanding pupils, Bradley and Mitchell and asked for a few short words about their knowledge of the USA
R8 Knowledge - USA: Bradley and Mitchell from myles webb on Vimeo.
Finally since this had worked so well we took both and combined them with the students from Room Eight that were in music extension preparing for our end of term concert next week. Ronnie and Jess spoke from Room 12 spoke to them in the music room - Lana, Kelly, Shania and Shaylee.
Untitled from myles webb on Vimeo.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Tasks for Week Nine for Room Eight

Finally its the World Cup in New Zealand for Rugby Union at present, one of the best reviews I've seen on the world cup has come from Matthew in Room Seven, St Marys School in the South Island. Visit his review of Week Two of the World Cup and leave a World Cup related comment or question by clicking here.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Pakuranga College Perform
On Monday 19th September 2011 Melville Intermediate had a very special performance from the Pakuranga College Vocal Group. This took place in the Melville Intermediate School Hall and was filmed by Shania and Kelly from Room Eight.
Melville Intermediate - Check out this great post
Every now and then we like to highlight some wonderful ideas and work. In this case were visiting Room Seven at St Marys in the South Island of New Zealand.
One of the students in that class, Matthew has been writing reviews of the Rugby World Cup which is presently happening in New Zealand. We really love his reviews which are a good summary of the whole tournament, if you haven't visited Room Seven to check out the work, then click onto the link here to do so and leave Matthew a comment when your there!
One of the students in that class, Matthew has been writing reviews of the Rugby World Cup which is presently happening in New Zealand. We really love his reviews which are a good summary of the whole tournament, if you haven't visited Room Seven to check out the work, then click onto the link here to do so and leave Matthew a comment when your there!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Melville: Survivor - Episode One
One of the big projects that our students are working on at the moment is the production and filming of an episodic show for the school TV Station and the Internet. We've been busy shooting a program that is called Melville: Survivor. Behind the scenes we have a lot of students working, including having four seperate camera's running and a lot of challenges (like filming outside in the wind, trying to keep up with the students that we are filming). This is the first episode that was filmed on Tuesday 20th September 2011. Thanks to the presenters from Room Eight Shania and Kelly and also the production team: Ben, Kris, Mitchell and Lana.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Prep Recounts for Newsletter
This term the yr 8s at Melville Intermediate have been working on PrEP which is a Primary Enterprise Programme, We had to creat a buisness and name it, treat it as if it was a real buisness. My buisness was called ‘Sweet Treats Deluxe” in my group was Marcia, Morgen, Kennedy and Mackenzie.
On Friday the 16th of September at our school was our PrEP market day. As people arrived with their products, the excitement grew and everyone was buzzing. As the clock struck 12:30pm all the year 8s went outside to start the setup process, we had so much to do, and so little time, everyone rushed around making sure that their buisness would go according to plan….. Once we had set up our gazebo and our tables, we started to set out the food, it smelt nice, and looked real nice too!!
Finally 1:00pm came, and the year 7s, teachers and parents, which were our consumers were outside looking to buy. We saw all the year 7s sprinting out of the classses.My stall went really well and we sold out, it seemed that everyone enjoyed the sweet hit of the food that we had sold. We had a really big queue for most of the time. The bell rung just as it started to rain, perfect timing! PrEP was over, the time went so fast, and it was pretty fun!
The only downside was that we didn’t have enough 1 misms, so we had to keep asking the people to come back later and get the change. For the year 7s (soon to be year 8s) I would advise to keep your prices in 5s. It was fun and all the hardwork had paid off, but the day went to fast! I hope the year 7s had fun(:
Recount by Jenna Christiansen, Room Eight.
On Friday the 16th of September at our school was our PrEP market day. As people arrived with their products, the excitement grew and everyone was buzzing. As the clock struck 12:30pm all the year 8s went outside to start the setup process, we had so much to do, and so little time, everyone rushed around making sure that their buisness would go according to plan….. Once we had set up our gazebo and our tables, we started to set out the food, it smelt nice, and looked real nice too!!
Finally 1:00pm came, and the year 7s, teachers and parents, which were our consumers were outside looking to buy. We saw all the year 7s sprinting out of the classses.My stall went really well and we sold out, it seemed that everyone enjoyed the sweet hit of the food that we had sold. We had a really big queue for most of the time. The bell rung just as it started to rain, perfect timing! PrEP was over, the time went so fast, and it was pretty fun!
The only downside was that we didn’t have enough 1 misms, so we had to keep asking the people to come back later and get the change. For the year 7s (soon to be year 8s) I would advise to keep your prices in 5s. It was fun and all the hardwork had paid off, but the day went to fast! I hope the year 7s had fun(:
Recount by Jenna Christiansen, Room Eight.
Melville Intermediate - Prep Recount from Room 8
This is it - its Friday 16th September Prep for 2011. Weeks... even months preparing, really paid off, Spookers was ready? I felt excited but worried thinking, what if someone won't show up? I brought the Chilly Bins, cups, decorations, four packets of lollies and two big bottles of slushie syrup (rasberry and blue lagoon) to Shaylee's house. In Spokers we had Hayze (me), Shaylee, Shayne and Benita. While I was at Shaylee's house she brought out nine bottles of fizzy and we felt like drinking them all. After we got everything sorted we both walked to school. When we got into class I spotted Shayne and she told us her Mum was dropping the ice off. There was no sign of Benita, she never came. I made a sign for what we were selling... slushies 5 MISMs, spider drinks 5 MISMs and 5 MISMs for Lucky Dips. We brought in the slushie machine from the Warehouse. Brrring the bell went, time to set up. It was tricky at first because everything was blowing up in the air... everything went messy. We had so many customers that we sold out everything. It was a great experience and I hope to do it again. Report by Hayze, Room Eight.
As the bell rang to get ready for Prep me, Robert and Ben put our lunch away and got started. I carried the tables out to where we would be doing our game. Then we finished everything we needed to do on the game. Next half an hour we didn't do much because we didn't want the Y7's to know what our stall was about. Robert went to the computer and played Minecraft and I watched him. When we were allowed to get the other things ready we got our things and went outside and when we were putting up our signs it began to rain. Soon it brightened up and everything was ready. The bell went and the kids came out of their rooms and slowly they asked what it was. Soon we had a lot of people trying our game. Our prizes were going fast but we had lots of stock. We didn't have much change so those people left. Soon after Prep started Kris came around because I ordered a key ring, so I paid my 10 MISMs and I got a key ring. Prep went on and we got more customers. Soon the bell rang again and it was the end of Prep. We packed up and we were inside. We counted the money and we'd made $171, and we had a profit of $46.
As the bell rang to get ready for Prep me, Robert and Ben put our lunch away and got started. I carried the tables out to where we would be doing our game. Then we finished everything we needed to do on the game. Next half an hour we didn't do much because we didn't want the Y7's to know what our stall was about. Robert went to the computer and played Minecraft and I watched him. When we were allowed to get the other things ready we got our things and went outside and when we were putting up our signs it began to rain. Soon it brightened up and everything was ready. The bell went and the kids came out of their rooms and slowly they asked what it was. Soon we had a lot of people trying our game. Our prizes were going fast but we had lots of stock. We didn't have much change so those people left. Soon after Prep started Kris came around because I ordered a key ring, so I paid my 10 MISMs and I got a key ring. Prep went on and we got more customers. Soon the bell rang again and it was the end of Prep. We packed up and we were inside. We counted the money and we'd made $171, and we had a profit of $46.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Prep part four
This is the final highlights video from our huge market day at School last Friday. Filmed by Mr Bell on Friday 16th of September 2011.
Prep Market Day 2011 Part Four from myles webb on Vimeo.
Prep Market Day 2011 Part Four from myles webb on Vimeo.
Melville Intermediate - Market Day Part 3
This is the second to last video from our school market day that was held at Melville Intermediate School last Friday. It involved every Y8 student in the school creating a business and taking care of every aspect of that business including the production of a good. The students were extremely nervous prior to Friday as each of them wanted to have an opportunity to compete (with of course there being a prize for 'most innovative' group and 'most MISM's [Melville Intermediate School Money]' from the market day... the results are to be announced this Thursday at assembly... stay tuned for those results and enjoy Mr Bells wonderful camera work.
Prep Market Day 2011 - Part Three from myles webb on Vimeo.
Prep Market Day 2011 - Part Three from myles webb on Vimeo.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Prep Market Day 2011: Part Two
This is the second video in the series of highlights from our schools massive market fund-raising day at school on Friday 16th September 2011, filmed by Mr Bell our music teacher.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Melville Intermediate - PREP Market Day 2011
For the past seven weeks at school our Y8 students at Melville Intermediate School have been working towards one big day, the PREP (Primary Resource Program)and PREP Market Day. It involved them all running their own business and creating balance sheets, creating and manufacturing a product, taking care of the advertising and promotion of the product and finally selling it on the market day. Market day was huge, the weather held more or less on the day, nearly every student in the school was involved and we had a large number of adults and parents from the local community come in. While not everyone could be there, particularly those of you who are overseas we also had Mr Bell the school Music Teacher filming and many photo's taken. This video is the first of four from the day detailing the stores and the products.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Prep Advertisments
Tomorrows a huge day for Melville Intermediate School, our 2011 Prep (Primary Enterprise Program) Market Day. All lunchtime the students who are Y8 at Melville Intermediate School will be working their stalls selling to the Y7 students. Ben and Hamish from Room Eight made a last minute trip around the various classrooms focussing on the advertisements that are around school so you can get an idea of what tomorrow will be like.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Melville Inter Intermediate Basketball 2011
On Tuesday our school competed in the Waikato Inter Intermediate Basketball finals which were held at the Te Awamutu Action Centre. Our Girls had already competed two weeks ago in the nationals and took a little while to adjust to the different scoring and time frame in the tournament. They were undefeated in pool play beating Fairfield Intermediate 22-2, Matamata Intermediate 18-6 and Peachgrove Intermediate 18-8.
The Girls then defeated hosts Te Awamutu Intermediate 32-12, putting them into the final in their very final game of the season. We had to play Peachgrove Intermediate again, who played an awesome game against us and claimed a well deserved 20-26 win. The Boys had a couple of close games, against Fairfield and Cambridge Intermediate Schools and represented the School well on the day.
The Girls then defeated hosts Te Awamutu Intermediate 32-12, putting them into the final in their very final game of the season. We had to play Peachgrove Intermediate again, who played an awesome game against us and claimed a well deserved 20-26 win. The Boys had a couple of close games, against Fairfield and Cambridge Intermediate Schools and represented the School well on the day.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Rucks for Mr Miller
Mr Millers class from California have been following the Rugby World Cup, you can see their wonderful class blog here. They're following the progress of the Eagles at the World Cup 2011, as a result they posted on their class page about the concept of 'rucking' and asked for assistance in an explanation... step up Room Eight! We were having a play for the first time with the new flip cam, it meant that we were using it without too much rehearsal, so tomorrow at school the students are going to review their work, look at it again and make some decisions about the video, and how they can develop and improve on it.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Room 14 Preview of Prep
This Friday at Lunchtime Melville Intermediate School have their 2011 PREP (Primary Enterprize Program) Market Day at School (between 12:30pm and 1:05pm) we're going to have a huge day at school, as a preview to the day Mitchell and Kris from Room Eight have been talking to students in the different classrooms about what their businesses are and what to expect on Friday. This afternoon the spoke to some of the students from Room Fourteen and filmed this video.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Melville Intermediate - TV Station Broadcast Promo
At Melville Intermediate School all classrooms are linked by a TV Network that has begun broadcasting again. We've got an opportunity for students to receive the daily notices and see footage shown relating to school events. This week we've got the debut of a new classroom competition involving all of the students of Melville Intermediate School. In New Zealand students at Melville are either Y7 (10-11) or Y8 (12-13). The competition is a combination/tribute to 'Survivor' the TV show that some of the students watch. This is the promo for the competition which were running on the School Network and online. Room Eight students have key behind the scene roles in producing, filming and presenting the show, which we will be showing in episodes online. This promo was filmed by Lana and Shania on Friday 9th September 2011.
Melville TV Station Promo: Episode One Preview from myles webb on Vimeo.
Melville TV Station Promo: Episode One Preview from myles webb on Vimeo.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Melville Intermediate - AIMS Basketball Review
On Sunday 28th August Mackenzie, Marcia, Kennedy and I went to Tauranga to represent our school at the AIMS opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was at a new stadium that has just opened in Tauranga. (AIMS stands for Association of Intermediate and Middle Schools - Mr Webb). We saw a lot of our friends and a lot of different schools from around the country. The opening ceremony was one of the highlights of the tournament.
On Monday we were waiting for the rest of our team to come. As we got there we waited, and waited and waited. We soaked up the atmospherem and took a look around. Still we were waiting and Mr Webb was getting distressed and kept reminding us that the others were going to be here, but every time that he said it, it made me more and more nervous. Finally they came and we were ready. Our first game was against Te Kura Kokiri. We didn't know a thing about this team. We started to warm up and I kept getting nervous. When we first saw them they looked really small but they were good. The ball went in the air and we won the tip and after the first touch of the ball we were on a roll. We won this game 31-22. Our next game was against Kaitoa Middle School and we had played them last year. The beat us last year for the third and fourth play off but this time we won 46-36. Early in the morning on Tuesday we were playing a team that was also unbeaten this far in the tournament and unfortunatly we lost 27-35 to Murrays Bay. After coming off that unlucky loss we still had to play Hastings Intermediate. They had lost all their games and we were hoping that that wouldn't stop. We redeemed ourselves and won 39-25. The next game was against a school from Christchurch called Chisnallwood Intermediate. We won 71-5 and everyone got time on court. We came second in our pool and we played Tauranga Intermediate in the quarter finals. It was a good game and we won 43-31. We had worked so hard for the past six games, it paid off and we made the semi-finals. A brand new day came upon us and we played early against Sacred Heart College who hadn't been beaten yet. Unfortunatley we couldn't break that and we lost 31-41. As everyone thought it was over, but no we had to play for third and fourth and we met Kaitao Middle School yet again. It was a really good game and we won 44-30.
After a hard working week we placed 3rd in New Zealand with Murrays Bay coming first and Sacred Heart College coming second. It was a really good week and I'm sure everyone enjoyed it. I would like to thank Andrea Randall, Joanne Wilson, Matt O'Brien and most importantly our supporters who came out everyday to watch us play (espically the Katoa family and Haweara whanau).
Report by Kalesita Latua, 8KB.
On Monday we were waiting for the rest of our team to come. As we got there we waited, and waited and waited. We soaked up the atmospherem and took a look around. Still we were waiting and Mr Webb was getting distressed and kept reminding us that the others were going to be here, but every time that he said it, it made me more and more nervous. Finally they came and we were ready. Our first game was against Te Kura Kokiri. We didn't know a thing about this team. We started to warm up and I kept getting nervous. When we first saw them they looked really small but they were good. The ball went in the air and we won the tip and after the first touch of the ball we were on a roll. We won this game 31-22. Our next game was against Kaitoa Middle School and we had played them last year. The beat us last year for the third and fourth play off but this time we won 46-36. Early in the morning on Tuesday we were playing a team that was also unbeaten this far in the tournament and unfortunatly we lost 27-35 to Murrays Bay. After coming off that unlucky loss we still had to play Hastings Intermediate. They had lost all their games and we were hoping that that wouldn't stop. We redeemed ourselves and won 39-25. The next game was against a school from Christchurch called Chisnallwood Intermediate. We won 71-5 and everyone got time on court. We came second in our pool and we played Tauranga Intermediate in the quarter finals. It was a good game and we won 43-31. We had worked so hard for the past six games, it paid off and we made the semi-finals. A brand new day came upon us and we played early against Sacred Heart College who hadn't been beaten yet. Unfortunatley we couldn't break that and we lost 31-41. As everyone thought it was over, but no we had to play for third and fourth and we met Kaitao Middle School yet again. It was a really good game and we won 44-30.
After a hard working week we placed 3rd in New Zealand with Murrays Bay coming first and Sacred Heart College coming second. It was a really good week and I'm sure everyone enjoyed it. I would like to thank Andrea Randall, Joanne Wilson, Matt O'Brien and most importantly our supporters who came out everyday to watch us play (espically the Katoa family and Haweara whanau).
Report by Kalesita Latua, 8KB.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Live from the AIMS Games 2011
Our game on Tuesday afternoon against Hastings Intermdiate resulted in a win to Melville 39-25. In our final pool game, against Chisnallwood Intermediate from Christchurch, Melville put in a strong performance winning the game 71-5. Wednesday afternoon saw our quarter final, against one of the host schools of the tournament, and third best team after pool play from pool 1, Tauranga Intermediate School. The game was tight but Melville were able to pull away in the closing stages to win 43-31. This qualified us for the semi-finals for a third consecutive year, a feat that no other school has managed. We had to play Sacred Heart College from New Plymouth. They played exceptional Basketball and applied early pressure to our team, and won convincingly by ten points 41-31. The team needed to pick their heads up for the 3rd/4th play off against Kaitoa Middle School and did so, defeating them 44-30 to claim third place in New Zealand.
Our warmest congratulations to Murrays Bay Intermediate who defeated Sacred Heart 28-25 to claim the national girls Basketball title. Following the tournament prize giving both our vice captain Rearna and Kobe from Room Thirteen were named in the 2011 AIMS Basketball tournament team, a very special and deserved honour.
Our warmest congratulations to Murrays Bay Intermediate who defeated Sacred Heart 28-25 to claim the national girls Basketball title. Following the tournament prize giving both our vice captain Rearna and Kobe from Room Thirteen were named in the 2011 AIMS Basketball tournament team, a very special and deserved honour.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Melville Intermediate - Live from the AIMS Games 2011
Melville Intermediate School has been competing in the 2011 AIMS Games in Tauranga. We've been competing in Girls Basketball against 11 other school and are one of over a hundred schools and some 4,000 students competing for the week.
Melville Intermediate Girls started the 2011 Campaign strongly with a win against local school Te Kura Kokiri 31-22. They followed this up with their second game of Monday morning against Kaitoa Middle School 46-36. Both these games were incredibly close games, with Melville trailing both at half time.
Tuesday morning they played their third game, against North Habour Champions Murrays Bay Intermediate School. It was another titanic encounter, with only a four point margin seperating the two teams in the fourth quarter. Murrays Bay proved their class in the end winning 37-27.
Melville Intermediate now take on 2009 finalists Hastings Intermediate in their second pool game today before playing Chisnallwood Intermediate from Christchurch tomorrow. We'll keep you posted.
Melville Intermediate Girls started the 2011 Campaign strongly with a win against local school Te Kura Kokiri 31-22. They followed this up with their second game of Monday morning against Kaitoa Middle School 46-36. Both these games were incredibly close games, with Melville trailing both at half time.
Tuesday morning they played their third game, against North Habour Champions Murrays Bay Intermediate School. It was another titanic encounter, with only a four point margin seperating the two teams in the fourth quarter. Murrays Bay proved their class in the end winning 37-27.
Melville Intermediate now take on 2009 finalists Hastings Intermediate in their second pool game today before playing Chisnallwood Intermediate from Christchurch tomorrow. We'll keep you posted.
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