We are a class of 26 students located in the city of Hamilton in the Waikato region of New Zealand.
Melville Intermediate School has a roll of just over 250 students and ten classrooms. We are Y7/8 students which means the students in our class are between the ages of 10 to 13.
Our classroom teacher is Mr Webb. Hamilton as a city has a population of 131,000. We are the main city in the Waikato region of New Zealand. We are approximately just over one hour from New Zealands largest city, Auckland. New Zealand as a whole country has 4,000,000 people. The New Zealand School year starts in January and runs through until December in four ten week terms. We have our major end of year holiday from December to early February.
This page was formerly know as Room 8@Melville Intermediate School from 2009-2011.
We enjoy communicating and interacting with other classrooms and students around the world, so feel free to leave us a comment on a piece of our work! You can also email our teacher at myles.webb@gmail.com or follow on twitter (NZWaikato). Thanks for your visit.