Firstly tonight at Swarbrick Park Melville Intermediate had their final game of the 2009 Touch season. The Girls had to play Peachgrove Intermediate Mixed and lost 2-4. The Boys had their final game against the undefeated Morrinsville Intermediate Boys team who have been setting the standard for the competition and lost 1-6. Tutes finishing off the season with a try in the corner for Melville. Special thanks to the players from our Girls team who haivng played a full game against Peachgrove then joined the Boys team to make a Mixed team! Tomorrow at lunchtime our student teams will take on the teachers.
This video below shows highlights from Melville Intermediate's Girls first pool game of 2009 in the Inter-Intermediate competition against Te Awamutu Intermediate. As always if you'd like a link to their school then click here. Filmed by Jacob on Wednesday 25th March 2009 at Swarbrick Park.
Classroom page of Y7/8 at Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato, NZ. (Formerly Room 8@ Melville Intermediate School). 2009-2013. This site is now closed.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Touch Vs. Te Awamutu
Following victory over St Andrews Middle School in our Boys first game on 25th March they had to play against eventually pool winners Te Awamutu Intermediate. Two tries on Te Awamutu's left wing early in the game saw Melville desperate to score to get back into in. Conrad did a wonderful dummy and step (too quick for the camera you need to watch very closely) but solid Te Awamutu defence kept Melville from scoring again meaning Te Awamutu won the game 1-2. If you'd like to visit Te Awamutu Intermediate you can do so by clicking on the link here.
Melville Intermediate- Cricket Highlights
There's so much going on at Melville Intermediate we can't sometimes fit it all online! A week and a bit ago our Boys Cricket Team took on Peachgrove Intermediate (and yes if you want to visit a site click here!). James was on hand, with a little help from Bailey to film some of the action. Filmed at Melville Intermediate on the Carter field on 15th March 2009. Peachgrove are batting and in the yellow.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Melville Intermediate - St Andrews Middle School
This is the highlights from the Waikato Intermediates Inter-Intermediate Touch Competition that was held on 25th of March. In our Boys first game they had to take on St Andrews Middle School. The games at this tournament were intense 12 minute matches and the Boys were very nervous before playing their opening game. This was filmed by Jacob from Room 18. If you would like to visit St Andrews Middle School then check the link here to one of their classroom's blogs! There was no half time in this competition but tries to Elijiah and Hamish saw Melville win 2-0.
Melville Intermediate - Balloons Over Waikato
These images are from the 2009 Balloons Over Waikato Nightglow Show. While thousands of people from the Waikato converged on the University of Waikato for the show teachers and students from Melville Intermediate were busy selling drinks and sausages to help fundraising for the Y8 Camp. Our school was fundraising from 1pm until the close of the show at 9pm!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Melville Intermdiate - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
This video was created by Arahia and Keegan our R8 environmental agents. They had a task on Friday with the other enviromental agents at Melville Intermediate (there's two in each class) to re pot some plants, using clippings from older plants. Filmed on Thursday 26th March 2009 at Melville Intermediate by Keegan.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
This is a video created by our two Room Eight Enviro Agents. Each class at Melville Intermediate has two Enviro agents who take charge of recycling and also collecting of material for our worm farm. Arahia and Keegan created this video to talk to you about the process and show you where the food scraps end up. Guest starring a cockroach. Filmed at Melville Intermediate 23/3/09.
This post has been written on “Blog Challenge09 #4” as part of The Blogging Challenge 2009! Visit Mrs. Wyatt’s site or
This post has been written on “Blog Challenge09 #4” as part of The Blogging Challenge 2009! Visit Mrs. Wyatt’s site or
Melville Intermediate - Touch Results 2009
Today the Waikato Inter-Intermediate Touch Finals were held at Swarbrick Park. Melville Intermediate Boys started off positively with a win against St Andrews Middle School 2-0. They then found the going tough against Te Awamutu Intermediate losing 1-2, and were then defeated by Matamata Intermediate 1-3. They lost to Berkley 1-3 before finishing with a 1-1 draw against Maeroa Intermediate.
The Girls defeated Matamata Intermediate 1-0, Te Awamutu Intermediate 3-1 and Berkely Intermediate 1-0. They then lost to Maeroa 1-2 in their final pool game. The had to play Peachgrove Intermediate in the semi-finals and although Aria scored first Peachgrove were able to win 3-1.
The Peachgrove Intermediate Girls went on to show their class in the final beating Maeroa 4-1.
Their school also had a double celebration as the Peachgrove Intermediate Boys defeated Tokoroa Intermediate 3-2 to claim the Boys title as well. This was a particularly impressive victory as it had been Tokoroa setting the early pace and leading 2-1 at half time. It was Peachgrove who equalised early in the second half and score with literally the last play of the game to win 3-2.
We had a Melville Intermediate Film Crew on site all day who did a wonderful job and the highlights from this tournament will be appearing over the next few days.
The Girls defeated Matamata Intermediate 1-0, Te Awamutu Intermediate 3-1 and Berkely Intermediate 1-0. They then lost to Maeroa 1-2 in their final pool game. The had to play Peachgrove Intermediate in the semi-finals and although Aria scored first Peachgrove were able to win 3-1.
The Peachgrove Intermediate Girls went on to show their class in the final beating Maeroa 4-1.
Their school also had a double celebration as the Peachgrove Intermediate Boys defeated Tokoroa Intermediate 3-2 to claim the Boys title as well. This was a particularly impressive victory as it had been Tokoroa setting the early pace and leading 2-1 at half time. It was Peachgrove who equalised early in the second half and score with literally the last play of the game to win 3-2.
We had a Melville Intermediate Film Crew on site all day who did a wonderful job and the highlights from this tournament will be appearing over the next few days.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Touch 24th March
As a final preparation before the Waikato Inter-Intermediate competition both our Boys and Girls teams had games on the evening of the 24th March. The Girls were defeated 1-2. The Boys however seem to be hitting form at the right time with a win 7-2 against Hamilton West. These are some highlights from that game.
Melville Intermediate - Online Tutor

Monday, March 23, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Blogging Challenge 4

But we are now in the 21st century, so what do the 3R’s represent now? Reduce, reuse and recycle.
How do you reduce, reuse and recycle at your home or school?
This is taken from Miss W's Wonderful blog in Australia, and is Challenge 4 from the International Blogging Challenge... Our students are still working their way through Challenge Three but never fear, we will complete both this week! If you want any more details on the challenge click here. Room 8 had a session discussing this in class first thing Monday morning and you'll see the results of this work appearing later in the week. We thought our famous Melville Intermediate Worm Farm and Recycling would be good starting points.This post has been written on “Blog Challenge09 #4” as part of The Blogging Challenge 2009! Visit Mrs. Wyatt’s site or
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Melville Intermdiate - Powhiri Makuhari Students
As most of you know our school has just completed an exchange with Makuhari College from Japan. This is a video taken of the Powhiri to welcome the students to our school.
Melville Intermediate - Destyn's Waka Ama Recount
Melville Intermediate - This Week
Tuesday: Our Boys and Girls Touch teams have their regular Tuesday night competition, their last games before Wednesday big Inter-Intermediate Competition. The Girls defeated Peachgrove Intermediate 2-1 last week while the Boys lost the corresponding game 4-5. Both teams will be looking for some momentum going into the big day on Wednesday.
Wednesday: All day we'll be on site a Swarbrick Park in Frankton for the 2009 Inter-Intermediate Touch Competition. Make sure that you say hi to us!
There will be 11 Schools at the Event from all around the Waikato region from the local Intermediate like Fairfield Intermediate, Peachgrove Intermediate, Southwell School and St Andrews Middle School to those from slightly further away - Te Awamutu, Tokoroa and Morrinsville Intermediate. We have highlighted or 'linked' a selection of blogs from these schools you should go and check them out. We will have a film crew on site all day to record every Melville Intermediate game, full interviews with players, every try, every game! Both Melville Intermediate teams have targeted making the semi-finals as their goal. Make sure that you check our site out Wednesday for the results!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Kaiya's Camp Recount
Friday, March 20, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Teacher Only Day
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Camp Photostory
Camp Ruatuna Photostory. This Photostory was created by Kalem and represents some of the activities that the Y7 students from Melville Intermediate were involved in duirng Y7 Day Camp on Friday 13th March 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Pokarekare Ana

"As regular blog visitors would know, Sam has recorded his own arrangement of Pokarekare Ana, a famous Maori song. We thought that Sam did such a great job on this, that we submitted his arrangement to the selection process for the South Australian Public Schools Music Festival. If successful, Sam’s arrangement will be used in the 2010 Choir program and will be performed by around 5000 children over 13 concerts at the Festival Theatre!
We found out, this week, that Pokarekare Ana is one of only 3 songs left in the running in it’s category! We are very proud of Sam and think that his recording deserves a repost!"
To Click on the link to see Sam's wonderful recording, click here.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Touch Highlights 3
Today as part of our continued build up to next weeks Inter-Intermediate Waikato competition both Boys and Girls Melville Intermediate teams played. The Boys who defeated Southwell last week this week played against Peachgrove. Half time the score was 2-3 to Peachgrove and while Melville scored right at the start of the second half Peachgrove were able to win 5-4. The Melville Girls were looking for thier first win of 2009 and duly delievered defeating Peachgrove 2-1. Highlights from that game can be seen by clicking on the video below.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Melville Intermediate - International Blogging Challenge

Well Room 8 I've put the link through to the blogging challenge and if you click here you can also get the list to all the other schools that are competing in the challenge most of whose sites we've never been onto!
Needs to be completed by all Room 8 students by this Friday. Those of you who have the internet at home can do it from home (although please remember our blogging rules) or before school or at another time when the teacher is present.
This post has been written on “Blog Challenge09 #3” as part of The Blogging Challenge 2009! Visit Mrs. Wyatt’s site or
Melville Intermediate - Story Starter Ideas

It's a resource for story starting for ideas and other random (and it can be quite random) ideas but the potential to be really useful in the classroom. Room 8 will be road testing it tomorrow.
Melville Intermediate - Making Damper
At Camp every student was put into a cooking group. These groups had to cook their lunch with consisted of Damper and Sausages. Students were given the material to start a fire, had to prepare it, and it was lit under the supervision of a teacher. They then had to maintain the fire so that they'd be able to successfully cook their dinner.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Camp Video 2
This is part two of challenge one - bush first aid. Students were split into groups and had to pretend a student had a broken leg and then, using material found only in the bush construct a stretcher for that person to be carried to safety. The students who were injured had to be lifted by one or more people in the group between the big log at the base of the main camp hill to a water trough about 50 meters away!
Melville Intermediate - Camp Video 1
Y7 Day Camp 2009 - Challenge One: Bush First Aid.
Problem: One of the members of your group has a broken leg. Can you construct a splint and a stretcher and with the other members of the group carry the injured person to safety? Students had to get into groups of around 4 students and using material only from a section of bush nearby construct a stretcher.
Problem: One of the members of your group has a broken leg. Can you construct a splint and a stretcher and with the other members of the group carry the injured person to safety? Students had to get into groups of around 4 students and using material only from a section of bush nearby construct a stretcher.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Camp Ruatuna
Melville Intermediate - No We're not Australian

Our class is most definatly from New Zealand (no offence to our friends across the ditch) and identifying us as Australian is akin to describing say someone from the USA as Canadian or some from Scotland as English! As always we appreciate the support from our friends around the world. If you have to visit one blog today around the world to see a model of how it should be done (online learning, blogging etc) make sure that you visit Mr C's Classroom.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Melville Intermediate - CPA Sasa Rehearsal
This is footage of our Cultural Preforming Arts (CPA) Group rehearsal for the Samoan Sasa.
Later in the year this group has a trip to Australia to perform in competition. This was filmed today, Thursday 12th of March in the School Hall. Our CPA correspondent will update this in full tomorrow.
Later in the year this group has a trip to Australia to perform in competition. This was filmed today, Thursday 12th of March in the School Hall. Our CPA correspondent will update this in full tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Touch Vs. Southwell School
Melville Intermediate's build up to the Inter-Intermediate Touch Finals on March 25th continued yesterday with another Tuesday night after school game. The Girls are still searching for their first win of 2009 after losing to the Southwell Mixed team 1-3. Melville Intermediate however dominated against Southwell Boys in the first half taking a 5-1 lead. It was all square in the second meaning Melville claimed their first win of 2009 in touch 6-2. These are some highlights.
Melville Intermediate - 1,000 Milestone

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Melville Intermediate - School Gardens
One of the very special things about Melville Intermediate is our School gardens. In a special area of the school we have not only our famous worm farm but also each classroom has space for a garden. Students are able to grow vegetables and plants in this area. We also have a greenhouse for other plants. Jamie decided to conduct a guided tour of our gardens for you to see.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Y8 Fundraiser

As part of a major fund-raiser the Y8 students prepared a breakfast for the School and held food stalls at lunchtime to raise money.
Thanks to Susie Vesper at Sharing the Addiction for a link to Collage Shape - I was able to use this to produce the picture to your left, in a very short space of time. If you want a link to her wonderful resource site you can click here.
Melville Intermediate - Makuhari Cultural Exchange
Currently at Melville Intermediate School we are taking part in a cultural exchange with Makuhari School in Japan. Students arrived in New Zealand on Saturday and later in the year a school trip from Melville Intermediate will be venturing to Japan. Room 8 has two guests at the moment with our class Yuhi and Kazutoshi.
Today we had a powhiri to welcome them officially to our school.
Yuhi wrote this about his first impressions of Melville Intermediate:
"You gave me a good first impression that you are cheerful and friendly. No matter where I am in this school. Students speak to me about anything."
Kazutoshi wrote that "My first impression is this is a large school. I think I am very envious especially the large ground is very beautiful, the students can be very active. I think the students are very kind and friendly. Japanese students don't say "Hello!" if each of them haven't met"
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Science Experiment
Our fantastic Science Experiment in Room 8 continues with a Mould Update. It's now been two full weeks since we bagged our sandwiches and left them to 'develop'. The mould growth that's most evident is on the 'control' bread, without filling and on the bread where we just put margarine, although were hoping this might change as it ages. We're hoping to complete the experiment in December! Keegan was able to count 6 different moulds on the bread at the 14 day mark!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Blogging the World

Friday, March 6, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Ukulele Demo
Today in class we were very lucky to have two students come and play the Ukulele for us, they were Jayda and Ashton from Whaea Halley Class. This is a short video of their wonderful performance. One of the great things about Melville Intermediate is the Music Options available to students, these two students are in Mr Bell Ukulele group and are receiving extra tuition. What's even more amazing is that Jayda is left handed and is actually playing upside down!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Touch Highlights 2
These are highlights from last Tuesday's Touch Game against Morrinsville Intermediate - if you haven't checked out their fantastic Room Ten site then you need to! This was filmed at Rifle Range Road Grounds. Melville Intermediate are about to host the Waikato Inter-Intermediate Competition in a few short weeks and we'll be looking for both our Boys and Girls teams to play with pride for Melville Intermediate. Melville Intermediate are in the Green and Morrinsville are in the dark blue/purple.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Trash to Fashion 3
It was the first of March, 2009 and as usual plenty of people were giving each other 'a pinch and a punch for the first of the month'. But for many people from all around the Waikato region gathering at the Hamilton Museum it was no usual day, there were no punching scraps; in fact they were wearing the scrap! It was trash to fashion 2009!
The theme was Mud and Water, which was quite difficult but in the end the outcome was absolutely fantastic! Everyone came up with something extravagent and different.
Some people opted for a pretty, queen theme with puffy dresses, tinfoil and crowns. Ane's feathers and leathers were very cool as the African Mud Queen and for the trash to fashioners togs and cellophane were so in! Unfortunatly some of Maysells fell off and she had to hold it on.
Raiding Grandma's wardrobe was a very hand technique for me! Everybody was clearly happy to have their own tast of the limelight. Abbi as the model of their beautiful dress was treated like a queen by her teammates Assiyra and Ghia even having the trail of her dress held up for her! Lisa dressed as a beautiful 'flower of the deep' and really did look the part!
Finding enough disposable hospital wraps was really no problem for me, the hospital usally throws out about 8 times as many as on my dress per day!
Abbi the wonderful 'Muddy Water Cocktail' gave us a spin, and Lisa was determined to have her full three minutes of fame! Ayla was gracefully 'Trapped in a Net' with her friend. Kelly and Amy played it cool in their dress of old curtain material. Shanaya showed us her sparkly masquerade mask and her creative umbrella idea. The Muddy Maid had no need to clean up her act, Rebekah was an amazing model and Ranita and Shilta had just as much fun!
Some costumes were very different and creative like the one called 'Under the Mountain'. Little Chiefs surprise appearance was much to everyone's delight. Eventually the final judgements took place; everybody had their last chance to impress the judges and really flaunted it! When the judges wer ready with their winners everyone's stomachs were flopping about like fish, they had all come up with truly staggering outcome and had worked so hard.
Third was 'Under the Mountain' The judges were amazed by the creativity of this outfit. There was a big round of applause, but then everyone returned to being nervous - who would be second? Second prize went to... Polluted Monster! The judges were very impressed with the message that this group brought across. Finally it was the moment of truth, who had taken out first place? Everyone desperately wanted it to be them! First place goes to.... Up Right Drain Pipe! This outfit was both creative and re-cycled, Bike tyres, CDs, litter, it had it all! They got a big round of applause and a great prize! Overall it was about having fun and enjoying yourself and I'm sure everybody did that!
Melville Intermediate - Bluelight Competition
The two teams were the Eagles with Sunniva, Ashley, Travis and Lamayne. The Hawks were Luke, Elijah, Aria, and Kelsey.
As we arrived we saw how many other teams and we knew we had a high standard of competition. We had to work as a team completing obstacles such as jumping through windows, climbing walls and nets, balancing on beams and pushing trailers, and that's not all! We all walked away from the course tired and with awesome times of 2:45 adn 3:03. Yet not comparing to the times of the winners with 2:21 That day Im pretty sure that we all walked away with our heads held high. By Ashley, Room 18.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Inter-Inter Results
Melville Intermediate's final placing was 4th place - tied with Cambridge Intermediate. Amongst the stand out performers for Melville Intermediate was Summer who came first in the 100m Freestyle and 2nd in the 50m Butterfly. Caitlin managed 4th in the 50m freestyle, 3rd in the 50m breaststroke. Mira came 3rd in the 50m backstroke. The best of our Boys was Thomas (who was a Y7) who came 3rd in 50m breaststroke and Mitchell who managed 7th in the same event.
We also performed well in the Female Championship Relay with Mira, Keeley, Summer Annabel and Caitlin managing 3rd. In the Non-Championship relay 6x50m Mira, Thomas, Mitchell, Blair, Liam and Annabel managed 4th.
Everyone swam really well and produced really strong performances in the relays. There was excellet support from the parents and grandparents and the event was an exciting and fun filled day.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Blogging Challenge
This slide show is an introduction to Melville Intermediate School (and New Zealand) for those of you taking part in the blogging challenge and wanting to know a little bit more about our school.
This post has been written on “Blog Challenge09 #1” as part of The Blogging Challenge 2009! Visit Mrs. Wyatt’s site or
Melville Intermediate - Wearable Arts Photostory
This photo story was created by Joe, Jesse and Te Mania from Room Five. It is a photo-story that shows footage from the Trash to Fashion Wearable Arts Show at Waikato Museum that was held on Sunday 1st March 2009. They created this in a very short time frame!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Point England School

If you didn't catch the clip about Point England Primary School on TVNZ on Close Up on Friday evening, I have put a link to it here. Close Up is a national current affairs program that broadcasts every night at 7pm. If you watch carefully in the video you will see Mrs She from Little Voices, Little Scholars, one of my favourite other New Zealand blogs waving. It's a special little clip because Mr Webb used to teach at another school down the road from Point England and knows some of the teachers there very well! If you haven't seen the clip then you need to click here.
Melville Intermediate - Wearable Arts 09
It was the first of March at the Waikato Museum where we competed in the Trash to Fashion competition. The theme was Mud and Water and everyone looked like they had been rolling around in Muddy Water. The costumes were so cool. (After all we had been working on our magnificent costumes for two weeks!) We waited for the show to start, we all felt scared, nervous and very, very excited at the same time. An hour later the show finally started we had to line up in one big line with our numbers. We were holding them in order. We paraded around the Museum and then we had to stop, the judges were going to judge our dresses. We went down one by one and came back up the stairs again. When everyone was finished we paradeded around the Mueseum two more times. Then it was time to see who the winners were. The winners got a pack of goody bags and the other people got chocolate bars. For the rest of of the afternoon there were lots of games and heaps of fun stuff to do. We think everyone had a great day and we bet the year sevens will have a great time next year.
By Jade, Ayla and Nicole - Room 12.
By Jade, Ayla and Nicole - Room 12.
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