Monday, March 23, 2009

Melville Intermediate - Blogging Challenge 4

Challenge 4 - The three R’sWhat are the 3R’s? If you asked your grandparents they would say reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic. Three of the most basic skills needed to survive in the twentieth century.

But we are now in the 21st century, so what do the 3R’s represent now? Reduce, reuse and recycle.

How do you reduce, reuse and recycle at your home or school?

This is taken from Miss W's Wonderful blog in Australia, and is Challenge 4 from the International Blogging Challenge... Our students are still working their way through Challenge Three but never fear, we will complete both this week! If you want any more details on the challenge click here. Room 8 had a session discussing this in class first thing Monday morning and you'll see the results of this work appearing later in the week. We thought our famous Melville Intermediate Worm Farm and Recycling would be good starting points.

This post has been written on “Blog Challenge09 #4” as part of The Blogging Challenge 2009! Visit Mrs. Wyatt’s site or

1 comment:

  1. We have started composting in our classroom but on a very small scale. I would like to see it get bigger next year (probably won't be as big as your wonderful Worm Farm). I would love to have a recycled craft fair at our school one year. This is only my second year of teaching and is a little too ambitious for me at the moment but like all good ideas I'm sure it will come around again.

    The following message is for Meighan who left a message on our blog and asked how many kids are in our class. We have 21 students in the morning and then another 21 students in the afternoon. I teach three academic subjects (math, science and writing) and my team teacher teaches the other subjects. We are pretty luck 21 is considered small. I have a friend in another school teaching 28 (whew!).

    Mrs. Heaton
    Beaufort, South Carolina
