Classroom page of Y7/8 at Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato, NZ. (Formerly Room 8@ Melville Intermediate School). 2009-2013. This site is now closed.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Inter-Intermediate Touch 2010: Boys Report
We arrived at our destination… SWARBRICK PARK! We walked off the bust and we ready to cross the road. Look left, look right, we crossed… we got to the place where we needed to set up. We started to warm up for the tournament. Our game plan was three drives then three quickie attempts. Our first round was a bye so we had time to check our the other teams if they were sharp. 20 minutes later our first game started. We were up against Cambridge. Two minutes into the game Scott did a long pass and put Teira in the corner for a beautiful try. Another two minutes later I stepped two players and scored in the corner. The game was going on and we scored another three tries to Teira, Ruakawa and Dylan.
We then went over to watch the Melville Girls play against Cambridge they won 1-0.
Our game in the third round started against Matamata. The hooter went and we started our drives. Three drives in I saw Dylan open so I took it from receiver and ran wide to set Dylan in the corner. Wooo. What a TRY! Seven minutes later Matamata scored in the corner 1-1 and the game was deadlocked with three minutes left. We held them out for 15 touches before a guy in Nike Mercurial Veloci’s tried a dive and scored a try we lost the game 1-2.
Our game in the third round started against Matamata. The hooter went and we started our drives. Three drives in I saw Dylan open so I took it from receiver and ran wide to set Dylan in the corner. Wooo. What a TRY! Seven minutes later Matamata scored in the corner 1-1 and the game was deadlocked with three minutes left. We held them out for 15 touches before a guy in Nike Mercurial Veloci’s tried a dive and scored a try we lost the game 1-2.
Our fourth round game was against Berkley. My friend in my soccer team Flynn was in that team. We started off scrappy and the scores were locked at 0-0 with six minutes remaining. We were near the try line and me and Scott set and did the quickie. I got the ball from the planter and I ran into my hole and scored. With one minute left Berkley got a runaway and scored. That meant it was a 1-1 draw.
Fifteen minutes later we had a game against the unbeaten tournament favourites Maeroa Intermediate. They were walking to the field looking good. We had to beat them to have a chance in the semi-finals. The hooter sounded and we started doing our drives. Four minutes into the game Rex stepped a guy and scored but he tripped over himself and nearly touched it down dead!Three minutes later Nick found a gap and took advantage of it. He took the gap so fast that he got a run away from fifty meters out. He scored and did the Masaga shuffle. Four minutes later Nick found another similar gap and went through like a flash again. He scored another runaway! Up came the Masaga shuffle again. Maeroa scored two late tries to make the score 3-2 to us.
Melville Intermediate - Maori Raukau Stick Games
This is the first lesson in the series, we've had teachers do this as part of their PD for a staff meeting. This is an easy lesson to start. You can also used rolled up newspaper or magazines taped at the end if you don't have the wooden batons. Use masking tape, not selotape though!
Raukau Sticks - Lesson One from myles webb on Vimeo.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Inter-Intermediate Touch 2010 Recount
On Thursday 25th of March Melville Intermediate team of Girls went to Swarbrick Park on the bus. We had been training for weeks for the Touch Interschools. There were 10 schools there Matamata Intermediate, Berkley, Cambridge, Maeroa, Fairfield, Morrinsville Te Awamutu, Peachgrove, Tokoroa and Melville. From each school there were two teams, a boys team and a girls team.
When we arrived there was great sunny weather, perfect for playing touch in! Only Berkley were there and they were training, then Peachgrove, Matamata and Maeroa arrived. The rest came later. Our school was in charge of running it. Whaea Hayley and Mrs Bassett were on the score table. Melville had a bye for the first round then we played the next round after the Boys. Our first game was against Cambridge, the score was 1-0 to us. The next game was against Matamata we drew nil all. Later we played Berkley and lost 0-1. Our last game of the round robin was against Maeroa they were pretty sharp and we drew nil all again. Before every game or during a game we would cheer on our teams with cheers we made up or remembered from previous sports. We made it into the semi-finals, we were versing Peachgrove. It was pretty close but by the end of the game it was nil all so he had to do something different. The referee had a timer for 5:00 minutes and only five people were allowed to play it was India, Kaeley, Aaliyah, Keisha and me. After every minute one player left the game, the first player to leave was Kaeley then me. It was a very thrilling game to watch it was only Inida, Aaliyah and Keisha on a big rugby field against three Peachgrove girls. Every time a player from Peachgrove tried to score one of our girls would get them, but then a player from Peachgrove scored. We all cheered on India, Keisha and Aaliyah. There were very good and worked as a team. Once the finals were on between Peachgrove and Tokoroa it started to pour with rain. We got free time until the tournament finished. Tokoroa came first, then Peachgrove second and Melville were declared third. Melville packed up and headed over to our bus, it was a very close day with close scores.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Literacy Task Week Nine

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Inter-Intermediate Touch 2010
On Thursday 25th of March Schools from around the Waikato region competed in the 2010 Inter-Intermediate Touch Competition. The event was held at Swarbrick Park, Frankton and there were ten schools from the region competing. The highlight for Melville Intermediate was the Girls team making it all the way to the Semi-Final. There they had to take on 2009 Champions Peachgrove Intermediate School. A tightly fought encounter saw sudden death drop off with an eventual reduction in the teams to three a side where Peachgrove Intermediate went to score the winning try. We'd like to congratulate our wonderful friends from Peachgrove on their great win and also Tokoroa Intermediate on winning the final. Arahia (R8 - 2009) and Samm (R8 - 2010) were on hand to record the events of the day, here are some of the highlights from the Semi-Final.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Music Technology
One of the technologies available to Melville Intermediate School students is Music. After seven weeks of Music students assessment is to perform a musical piece as a band. This is some of the students from Room 13 and Room 14 performing Proud Mary by CCR. Filmed by Mr Bell in the Music Room on Thursday 25th March 2010.
Y& Music Options Proud Mary from myles webb on Vimeo.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Room 8's Earth Hour Voicethread

This is our first Voicethread of 2010 and would you believe Mr Webb's first Voicethread ever. We're looking at making a suggestion for Earth Hour on the 27th of March in a way that someone can save power for that hour when we're switching the lights off!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Saitama City Exchange
This complete recount will be updated by the students when they have completed it. This is the video created as a result of cultural exchanges between students of Melville Intermediate School and Saitama City in Japan that took place at Melville Intermediate on Wednesday 24th March 2010.
This is Kelly recount of what occurred:
"My buddies name was Momoka. She was really cool. Our class played dodge ball and the Japanese students played too. My student made me a origami paper crane. There was an activity that all of the Japanese students participated in. There was calligraphy writing, traditional kimono's, juggling, string webs and origami in the Hall. I really enjoyed having Momoka as my friend."
This is Kelly recount of what occurred:
"My buddies name was Momoka. She was really cool. Our class played dodge ball and the Japanese students played too. My student made me a origami paper crane. There was an activity that all of the Japanese students participated in. There was calligraphy writing, traditional kimono's, juggling, string webs and origami in the Hall. I really enjoyed having Momoka as my friend."
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Saitama City Cultural Exchange
This video is a result of the cultural exchange between students of Melville Intermediate School and Saitama City in Japan, filmed on Wednesday 24th March 2010.
Fauiki from Room Eight wrote this recount about the Cultural Exchange that she took part it:
"Yesterday with the Japanese students we did activities at 1:10pm. Some students went to the Gym with their buddies and some students went to the design room. We did all sorts of activites. I wore a Kimono! It looked so cool! Me and Kelly were trying them on. The Japanese teacher took photographs of me and Kelly. We then went to the juggling side and we juggled with three hackey sacks. It was hard. We went to the side where you did string activities, and had to do lots of tricks with your hands and it was fun!"
Fauiki from Room Eight wrote this recount about the Cultural Exchange that she took part it:
"Yesterday with the Japanese students we did activities at 1:10pm. Some students went to the Gym with their buddies and some students went to the design room. We did all sorts of activites. I wore a Kimono! It looked so cool! Me and Kelly were trying them on. The Japanese teacher took photographs of me and Kelly. We then went to the juggling side and we juggled with three hackey sacks. It was hard. We went to the side where you did string activities, and had to do lots of tricks with your hands and it was fun!"
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Raukau Sticks!
This is going to be our next cultural experience video. It involves Raukau Sticks which the full explanation of and how to use them will be given tomorrow. In the mean time this is a taste of what your going to need to be able to do:
Monday, March 22, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Week Eight Tasks

We're also going to take a quick tour around the world. Firstly we're going to start in Australia at Mr Lamshed's Class in Adelaide. Visit their blog and leave a comment. We're now moving to Mr McKilops Class in Tanzania, Africa, leave a comment there as well. After that I would like you to visit Nabby Primary School in the UK. Finally I would like you to leave a comment in Argentina, in South America and visit Creative Readers, Writers and Thinkers.. You can locate that by clicking here,
When you have completed posting comments on all four sites see me please.
When you have completed posting comments on all four sites see me please.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Melville Intermediate - School Confidence Course Tour
As part of our introduction to blogging students from Room 8 all have the brief to create a movie that shows off part of our school. Students have to brainstorm, plan, prepare the script and prepare the shots before they venture outside. Students can choose to present the movie themselves or get someone else to present it and have a behind the scenes role. This movie was created by Samm from Room 8 and features Nathalie, Lana and Shania. Filmed at Melville Intermediate School on Thursday 17th March 2010.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Tour of School Library
This is a guided tour of our school library. Directed by Bradley and presented by Kieran and Cameron. It was filmed at Melville Intermediate School on Wednesday 17th March 2010. Our learning intention with this activity was for the students to produce a tour of part of the school. It fits into our unit of work because for English were looking at entertaining and socialising and our overall unit is 'Building a Sense of Belonging'. If you look very carefully you will see a quick cameo from one of lasts years students, the star of Bailey and the Magic Cowbell.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Tour of Electronics
Twice a week students have a technology lesson at Melville Intemediate School. Students have one and half hours to have specialist instruction from a specialist teacher. Currently Room 8 are going to Music, Art, Electronics, Sewing and ICT on Mondays and Tuesdays. This tour is of the Electronics Room and is presented by Ridwan. It was filmed at Melville Intermediate School on Monday 15th March 2010 by Annalize.
Melville Intermediate - Edublogger Challenge #3

We also have to leave comments on the two blogs either side of us again, Miss T's Classroom and Mr Millers Classroom. Finally once again I would like you all to select another blog from the list of those classrooms competing in the Blogging Challenge and Leave a Comment to their site, remember the commenting format and enjoy!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Visit Tawa Intermediate!

Melville Intermediate - In Autumn
To celebrate the changing of the season, and the fact that were moving into Autumn this afternoon we sent Fauiki and Samm into the school grounds to take some photographs of what they saw. They then created the slide show, uploaded it to Slide and then created the affects as well.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Makuhari Junior High School
This is footage from our Powhiri for our Japanese students on Friday 12th March. This video was edited, published, filmed and completely put together by Shania, Kelly and Nathalie. Our students first full production for 2010.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Makuhari School Powhiri
Currently we have students from Makuhari Junior High School in Hamilton for a student exchange, its been very exciting for our students to have the experience of meeting students from another country and learning about another culture. On Friday 12th March 2010 we had a Powhiri for the students in our School Hall.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Photostory Tour
This is Lana's Photostory of the School. We are attempting to extend our students by increasing their use and familiarity and web 2.0 tools. Photostory is a simple way to achieve this. For this term we are establishing and maintaining relationships. The idea being that you will view this Photostory of our School and make comparisons with your own school or location.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Melville Intermediate - School Tour
This is a photostory tour of our school. Created by Bradley from Room 8. One of our objectives this term is relating to others. The idea behind this photostory is that you can compare it to your school and look for the similarities and the differences. Bradley took the photographs himself and created the entire project by using Photostory. Next time we are going to add to this work by putting a commentary on as well.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Week Six Tasks.

Also this morning in class we spoke to, Mr Millers classroom in California we will be talking with them again later this week and you will have an opportunity to ask them your questions, as preparation for this please visit their class page and leave a comment on one of the wonderful sites that are attached.
By Friday you need to ensure your Avatar is selected and saved in the special folder and we will be using Animoto to animate all of them. If you are not sure about completing any of these challenges please check with Mr Webb.
Melville Intermediate - A Year of Mould!
It's finally ended, due to us being able to stand the smell any longer (and due to the fact that the plastic has started allowing the sandwiches to seep through) our great Mould Experiments lasted for 53 weeks! Leigh, an ex pupil of Room 8 was able to file this report yesterday assisted by Bjork from the class of 2010 who filmed the video!
Leigh wrote this about the experiment. "Hi my name is Leigh and I going to tell you about the sandwiches we made one year ago in February 2009. On the 26th of February we made an experiment with bread, margarine and bread, margarine, bread, marmite and jam. We mixed these together and left them in sealed plastic bags in the classroom. We left them there for an entire year and watched as they gradually became mouldy. "
Leigh wrote this about the experiment. "Hi my name is Leigh and I going to tell you about the sandwiches we made one year ago in February 2009. On the 26th of February we made an experiment with bread, margarine and bread, margarine, bread, marmite and jam. We mixed these together and left them in sealed plastic bags in the classroom. We left them there for an entire year and watched as they gradually became mouldy. "
Monday, March 8, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Trash to Fashion 2010
These are the highlights from the wearable arts Trash to Fashion show from the Waikato Museum on Sunday 6th March 2010. Samm from Room 8 wrote this recount about her participation in the show:
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Speaking Maori in Russia

As you know we have been busy completing our work on Maori Mihi and publishing them online. We've had some wonderful feedback and the students are very pleased by this but our friends from Lyudmila's Classroom in Kransnoyarskiykray Kray, Russia have been learning - they have posted two videos, based on our work in New Zealand - its really amazing to think that work that we have produced from one side of the world has had an influence on students on the other side of the world. This interaction is hugely important for everyone involved and when the students view this video Monday morning I am sure that they will be completely blown away. This is Nikita's video!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Mihi Instructional Video
In this video, presented by Anahere from Room 8, you will learn all the main parts of a Mihi. Anahere says each phrase in Maori, then explain it in English, the words are on screen while you are watching, with the idea being you can say them as you see them up on the screen. Filmed at Melville Intermediate School by Lana on March 4th 2010.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Connex Roller Coaster
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Tour of Confidence Course
This is the tour of our School confidence course. Filmed by Stafford, directed by Chase and presented by Otis. Filmed at Melville Intermeidate School, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand on 2nd March 2010.
Melville Intermediate - Student Blogging Challenge

Or you can click on the link to our left. There's a list of the entrants for the challenge as well which has a huge amount of classroom and individual blogs to view!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Maori Mihi Examples from Room 8
- This is the Maori Mihi from Room Eight students. A Mihi is a Maori introduction or greeting, which contains information about yourself. In this video you are looking for the following key phrases:
ko te Maunga (the name of the mountain closet to where you were born)
ko te Awa (the name of the river closest to where you were born)
ko te Iwi (the name of your tribe/Iwi)
ko te Marae (the name of your local marae/meeting place)
ko te Kura (the name of your school)
ko te Tumuaki (the name of your principal)
ko te Kaiako (the name of your teacher)
ko te Taku Ingoa (your name)
Students from Room Eight and Melville Intermediate School are available to help with your Mihi learning. If you would like to contact us, we are able to Skype with your classroom or learning institute to tutor you in the presentation and pronunciation of Maori Language and in particular Maori Mihi. You can leave a comment here on this post or email our teacher at This includes in 2011
Melville Intermediate - Maori Mihi
- This is the Maori Mihi from Room Eight students. A Mihi is a Maori introduction or greeting, which contains information about yourself. In this video you are looking for the following key phrases:
ko te Maunga (the name of the mountain closet to where you were born)
ko te Awa (the name of the river closest to where you were born)
ko te Iwi (the name of your tribe/Iwi)
ko te Marae (the name of your local marae/meeting place)
ko te Kura (the name of your school)
ko te Tumuaki (the name of your principal)
ko te Kaiako (the name of your teacher)
ko te Taku Ingoa (your name)
Since 2010 when the above video was published we've continued reviewing our work and currently this explanation of a Mihi and example of Mihi was produced by Hayze in 2011
Hayze Mihi 2011 from myles webb on Vimeo.
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