Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Melville Intermediate - Raukau Sticks!

This is going to be our next cultural experience video. It involves Raukau Sticks which the full explanation of and how to use them will be given tomorrow. In the mean time this is a taste of what your going to need to be able to do:


  1. Dear Room 8,

    Thanks for that preview of the the Raukau Sticks! I look forward to watching more and learning about the activity. I am sure my students will be very interested in this. Very cool!

    Mr. Salsich

  2. Wow, How do you do that??!!
    I don't think I could do the first move even. Do you have different routines for different times? I like the sound of it when it hits the ground.

    From, Caitrin (in Mr. Salsich's class)

  3. Dear Room 8,

    I stumbled upon your blog by visiting Mr. Salsich's blog about life in Stonington.

    We are going to do a project next term on the weather around the world. It would be superb if you could visit our blog to describe the annual weather patterns in Hamilton, Waikato too, we are very interested in discovering how some places are similar or different to our part of the world.

    Mr. Sumner

