Classroom page of Y7/8 at Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato, NZ. (Formerly Room 8@ Melville Intermediate School). 2009-2013. This site is now closed.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Christmas Competition
Merry Christmas to all our viewers around the world! Our 2009 Christmas Competition involves this song performed by the Melville Intermediate School Rock Band on the second to last day of School for 2009! All you need to do to enter is to leave a comment below the video correctly identifying the song that they are singing! After the Holidays Mr Webb will select the best answer to receive a Melville Intermediate School Prize Pack! Including Postage! The video was filmed by Vitolina and Janice from Room 8 at Melville Intermediate School Hall on Lunchtime Monday December 14th 2009.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Happy Holidays
Mr Webb and the Students of Room 8 - 2009. (Our new [2010] class will also be using this address!)
Monday, December 21, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Rock Band Finale
For the second to last day of School for 2009 our Melville Intermediate School Rock Band held an impromptu performance at lunchtime in the school hall. The Rock Band ran through various material that they'd worked on with their tutor Matt during the year. This is there take on the Green Jelly Little Pigs Song. Melville Intermediate will continue with their wonderful rock band in 2010 although all members will have to be new as the remainder have gone onto High School! Filmed by Vitolina and Janice from Room 8 on December 14th 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Melville Intermediate - It's All Over Now!

Thank you once again for your visits and contact, have a great Christmas, a Happy New Year and Goodbye.

I would especially like to acknowledge all the students of not just Room Eight but also Melville Intermediate School who contributed work and material to this blog during the course of the 2009 School year and made it the success that its become.
Mr Webb on behalf of Room 8, Melville Intermediate School, 2009, Waikato, New Zealand.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Paper Hot Air Balloons
We made Hot Air Balloons using tissue paper and PVA glue. Step One - cut four large sheets of tissue paper out. Step Two - Cut the corners off. Step Three - Glue the sides together, but careful not to glue the sides together where you cut the corners. Step Four - make sure their are no holes. Step Five - Cut some cardboard into the shape of a square, the size of the hole at the bottom of the hot air balloon. Step Six - Cut out the inside of the cardboard square so there's only 3cm of a border. Step Seven - Glue the border/cardboard square to the bottom of the hot air balloon. Step Eight - Stick another piece of No 8 wire through the side of the cardboard to make a cross/plus sign. Step nine take it out on a cold early morning with no wind or breeze that is a location suitable for launching a balloon. You must have a adult or teacher present. Step Ten: get some Methylated Spirits and Cotton Balls and some more wire. Put some methylated spirits on the wire. Step Eleven - hold the Hot Air Balloon at the top and light the cotton balls. Hold it until you can feel the heat from the inside of the Balloon lift it up then the wind should catch it and it should launch! Here's a video of our classes attempt to lauch them!
(Note, no students were harmed in the launching of these Balloons and it was done under close teacher supervision).
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Melville Intermediate - School Ball Preparation
On Thursday of this week Melville Intermediate had their annual School Ball for the Y8 students at school. There was a huge amount of work that went into the night from the teachers and students which made for a very special event. Part of the night included a meal prepared by Mrs Brown, our school cooking teacher and a group of Y7 students who were volunteers. Nicole from Room 8, was one of the students helping. She filmed this video of the food preparation, she filmed this behind the scenes video.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Y8 Ball Highlights
This week on Thursday night, Melville Intermediate School held their School Ball. The students had been learning the dances for a number of weeks at school, and a huge amount of work and organisation had gone into the preparation and decoration of the hall by Mrs Taylor, Mrs Bleakin and the other Y8 teachers. Mathew from Room 12 was in the Sound Box running the electronics for the evenings and also filmed some highlights including this of the dancing. Well done to everyone who was involved and participated!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Skyping with Mr McClungs Class

Melville Intermediate - Creative Student Dance
This is the third and final video from our students Creative Dance Group. Twice a week students have 'Options' which are 90 minutes specialised lessons. For our fourth and final term for 2009 the students had four weeks of Options lessons. In that time each of the dance groups was able to plan, rehearse, choose the music for and then perform a creation of their own. We were lucky enough on Thursday 3rd December to have the performances from the three Y8 Dance Options, and have Keegan there with a camera to record the entire event.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Senior Girls 4x100m Relays
This is footage of our 4x100m Senior Girls team at the Waikato Inter-Intermediate Athletics Day that was held on Tuesday 1st December 2009. The final event of the day was the 4x100m Relays and this is our Senior Girls Team running in that event.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Student Creative Dance
Our Y8 option students performed their dances to the Melville Intermediate School whole school Assembly on Thursday 3rd of December. This is the Girls group performance to the new song by 'Muse'. Filmed by Keegan from Room 8.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Inter-Intermediate Relays
This is footage from the Waikato Inter-Intermediate Athletics Finals. Its footage of the Melville Intermediate 4x100m Junior Girls Relay team - you really need to watch Atela fly in this race! Filmed on the day, Tuesday 1st December 2009 at Porritt Stadium, Waikato. Melville Intermediate are in the Green/Red combination uniforms.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Y8 Dance Option Part 1
Students at Melville Intermediate School twice a week have 'options'. These are lessons in addition to the regular class program that allow students to involve themselves in special curriculum areas. In the block of options that has just finished there were a group of Y8 students who were performing dance. At school assembly on Thursday 3rd of December the Y8 dance option performed for the school. Keegan from Room 8 filmed it. This is the Boys Tribute to Michael Jackson.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Inter-Intermediate Waikato Athletics
The best part of the day was the relay running. Even though we didn't come first or second for the relays, but who cares at least we did our best. Everyone had fun and some people had to wait around. I was enjoying myself because I didn't want to stay at school and do work. Every single school were cheering for the people that represented them in the events they were in. Like sprints, shot put, running, long jump, high jump and all the other events. Yesterday was really cool.
Out of all the schools that were there, we came fourth. This is the best result for Melville Intermediate School in the past six years! Our school was the hosts for athletics.
Recount by Vitolina Room 8.
The following students were placed in the top three for their events for Melville Intermediate School Athletics for 2009:
Kendall 3rd in Senior Girls Shot Put, Donovan 2nd in the Junior Boys Shot Put, Kalib who was 2nd in the Junior Boys 1000m, and 3rd in the 1500m. Terrina was 2nd in the Senior Girls 1500m and 3rd in the 100m, Travis finished second in the Senior Boys Cricket Ball Throw. we also had two students win their events Hamish in the Senior Boys Criket Ball Throw and Corbyn in the Senior Girls Cricket Ball Throw.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Athletics 4x100m Relays
Filmed at Porritt Stadium, Hamilton, on Tuesday 1st of December 2009. Junior (Y7) Boys 4x100m Relays. Melville are in the Red/Green combination.
Melville Intermediate - Inter-Intermediate Athletics
This is the video of the Y7 Girls relay team from the Waikato Inter-Intermediate Athletics finals at Porritt Stadium, Hamilton Waikato filmed on Tuesday 1st December 2009.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Inter-Intermediate Athletics
Today at Poritt Stadium in Hamilton the final event of the 2009 Inter-Intermediate Sports Calendar took place - Inter-Intermediate Athletics. There were 11 Schools there in total competing a variety of events in an action packed day. So many highlights but it included a win in the Senior Girls Cricket Ball throw to Corbyn from Room 5... Terrina from Room 1 finishing as runner up in the Senior Girls 1500m and also coming 3rd in the 1000m.... Kalib from Room 12 finishing as runner up in the 1000m and 3rd in 1500m... Atela coming 5th in the 100m... it was a jam packed day of action (and mainly good weather thank goodness)... there are some very brief highlights from the day... coming soon... Melville Intermediate School ended up finishing 4th out of 11 Schools for a job very well done on a great day! Our warmest congratulations to our friends at Peachgrove Intermediate School who dominated proceedings!
This is the video of our Senior Boys in action for the 100m - Thamer and Elijah in their heats and then the Boys 100m Final.
This is the video of our Senior Boys in action for the 100m - Thamer and Elijah in their heats and then the Boys 100m Final.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Big Day Out 09 Powersurge
As part of the Melville Intermediate Y7's Big Day Out on Friday November 27th 2009 the students went to Rainbows End Fun Park in Manukau, Auckland. The students got to go on a number of rides, including the Powersurge. This is video of that ride.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Melville Intemediate Y7 Big Day Out 2009
These are just some of the images from the Melville Intermediate Y7 End of Year Big Day Out. This year we went to Rainbows End Theme Park in Manukau City, Auckland for the day. The students had the opportunity to try out some of the rides and enjoy themselves to celebrate a successful 2009! The school year in New Zealand ends on December 15th and will restart again in February.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Y7 Big Day Out 2009
This is footage of some of our students riding the Pirate Ship Ride at Rainbows End - the recount will be following shortly. Recorded on Friday 27th November 2009 during the Y7 students 'Big Day Out' trip to celebrate the end of the year.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Melville Intermediate - 2009 Big Day Out
Keegan wrote the following recount about our trip: When our School got to Rainbows End we went to El Dorado and checked ourselves off the list. We could then leave. Me and Jordan went to the Roller Coaster. It was a long wait but it didn't take long until it was over. Jordan and me went to the Power Surge. It was fun if you held on. Then I went to the Motion Master. It was a long wait but it was worth it. I went onto the Roller Coaster again and the Power Surge over and over. Then we went home.
I really did enjoy Rainbows End because I went on rides that I have never gone on before. I was dissapointed that I only went on three rides, but there was too many people.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Enviro Schools Competition
Those of you who know that we've been competing in the Melville Intermediate School Enviro-Schools competition will be unaware of a pretty major disaster that occurred earlier this week. Persons unknown appear to have reached into the classroom during a lunch break and sabotaged our growing effort by snapping the bean plant! We decided that some pretty drastic action was required to get back into the competition so Keegan our Enviromental Officer went into the School Gardens and re-potted the bean plant! To remove all allegations of any underhanded cheating we had the idea to film the original bean plant being transplanted into its new container and then decided to post this online so that the other schools could see the evidence that we've put up of this!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Edublog Nominations - MrCsClassBlog

This is the first post of 400 this year not with the 'Melville Intermediate' Prefix. This is my nomination for the Best Class Blog for the 2009 Edublog Awards. There is one site that I go back to constantly that inspires me every time that I visit it. The innovations, the ideas, the quality of the work and the sheer effort that goes into it is stunning. Will Chamberlain from Noel Elementary School MrCsClassBlog is an outstanding education site that is the best that I have ever seen. Its had such an influence on me and other educators.
I believe it is the most outstanding educational site that I have ever been on and it is a superlative site that deserves nomination for the 2009 Edublog Awards for its excellence.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Rachana's Milk Add
In class as part of our Milk Unit for study this term students have to design thier own Milk Product, including the packaging. As part of this the students have to create their own advertisment to go with their product. Rachana from Room 8 took a camera yesterday afternoon gathered together some other students and filmed this effort. As a class we will be viewing this on Wednesday morning, discussing what we're seeing and coming up with suggestions for it as a piece of work, so that it will improve the presentations from others.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Athletics: Sprints
This is some of the highlight from Melville Intermediate's Elite School Athletics held last week. The top two sprinters in the 100m and 200m qualify for the Inter-Intermediate Waikato Schools Finals so the pressure was on to make one of the two spots from our 320 student school for Y7 Girls, Y7 Boys, Y8 Girls and Y8 Boys. Next week on Tuesday we are holding the Inter-Intermediate Waikato Schools Athletics Finals at Porritt Stadium. From Room 8 Vitolina will be there in Shot Putt and Cricket Ball Throw. Kaleb and Nick will be there with the Y7 team representing us in Sprints. Mr Webb will be there managing and we will have a film crew filming during the day.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Kapahaka from the CPA
This is the final video from the CPA Group's performance on the 28th October 2009 (in the Maori section). It's the awesome Poi dance that the students performed (wait until the lights go out its breath taking). We've been uploading some of these selected videos on Youtube and making them available to a wider audience.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Skyping Around the World

the students have been hard at work learning. Our students have
phenomenally well to this taking on the role of teacher for this task.
While that was in progress we had another call from a class in Glenview, Hamilton, a test of equipment for an upcoming project that the students are pleased about. We then finished that off with a call from Australia and a class from Gleelong, Victoria from BPS School. In in all it was quite a hectic, but exciting day for the students I was very impressed that they were able to harness the power of technology (in this case Skype) to make them more worldly wise. Sharing

A huge thank you also to the teachers and students of the schools that we spoke with around the world.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Linking with Appleby School

A Mihi, for those of you who don't know is a Maori introduction or greeting. In this instance Allanhk's Class have all learnt their Mihi and our class is helping them by checking the pronunciation. What's great about it, apart from the networking, is its allowing our students to share knowledge with students within New Zealand. Room 8 students who are participating in this are really enjoying the mentoring role and were really grateful for the opportunity!
If your online and your class would be interested in collaborating or communicating please just drop us a line!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Waiata
This is our final CPA performance. This is the Kapahaka from the School Group which they performed to our school prior to their departure to Australia on their trip.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Enviro Schools Competition
These photographs are the Y7 entrants into our new Enviro Schools Competition. We've got to grow a Bean Plant in the Classroom, with the competition closing on the last day of School. These are the Y7 entries for the competition. Keegan from Room 8 had the following to say about the competition:
"For the Bean Project (Competition) each class has been given a half grown bean. This competition ends on Thursday on the last week of Term. The class that grown the largest bean, or has the largest plant will win a prize. So get growing!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Melville Intermediate - School High Jump Finals
Last Wednesday we held the Elite School Intermediate Athletics Finals. We've already had the whole school competing the previous Friday on Wednesday it was the turn of those students who were the top of their class, literally to compete. In a historic moment the Boys Y8 High Jump went to a Jump Off between Thamer from Room 18 and Elijah from Room 18... at 1.43 Metres! Now of course you couldn't all be there for the finals but Room 8 was and we took this footage! Enjoy!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Melville Intermediate - School Speech Finals
The process by which our students did their speeches. Firstly they had to choose from one of the six pre-determined topics. They then had to perform their speeches in class (its compulsory for all students at Melville Intermediate School to do so). Then the Year 7 Syndicate and the Year 8 Syndicate had their respective finals. They each nominated two speakers who spoke at the School Assembly on November 5th 2009. This is Joe's speech from Y8.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Our Film Festival Entry!

This is our entry in the film festival - Bailey and the Magic Cowbell. It was created by the students in Room 8. Bailey starred as himself. Arahia had the role of the magic bean seller and also was the narrator. The school bullies were played by James and Tim. Arahaia, Bailey, Molinda and Vitolina provided the filming. Mr Webb was starring as the 'Old Man of the Forest' and also supplied some of the props. This was shown to the Cluster Film Festival on Thursday 12th November 2009.
Melville Intermediate - School Speech Finals 3
Amos (Y7) Speech from the Meville Intermediate School Speech Finals. The students of Melville Intermediate School had six topic to choose from. Amos from Room 12 choose a topic that was 'Winning is not as important as participating'. You can watch the entire speech by clicking on the link below! Filmed by Arahia at school assembly on Thursday 5th November 2009.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Its the Big Day Tomorrow!

Mr Webb would like to send out a huge thank you to all of the students that were involved in the production of our movie, and I would also like to

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
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