Tomorrow's the big day - the day of the 2009
Manaiakalani Cluster Film Festival. During the day over 2,000 students from a dozen or so schools will travel to
Tamaki College in Auckland to view the productions from the schools involved. We'll be posting our entry online tomorrow at the conclusion of the event - so if you can't make it up to Auckland tomorrow for the show then you'll be able to see our effort (along with a link to all of the others)
here online!
Mr Webb would like to send out a huge thank you to all of the students that were involved in the production of our movie, and I would also like to

send a big thank you to the organisers of the event for allowing us to contribute. It's a fantastic opportunity for our students and also
very special to me as I used to be a member of the cluster as I taught at Tamaki Intermediate School in the area for six years, and that is very, very special to me. We're also lucky to have an ex pupil from
Tamaki Intermediate, Moli, present our video to the guests and audience. You can check out some of her work in 2008 by clicking on the link here, or see her backstage interview with the person behind the cluster,
Dorthy Burt from
Point England School here.
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