Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Melville Intermediate - Mrs Moore and Techie Kids Teach Us Snapguide

The Techie Kids is one of our favourite student sites and last week they created a post about using Snapguide as a way to create things.  We've created similar guides in the past with procedural writing, but haven't used it before - and Jacqueline, one of the Techie Kids created a post about drawing a cartoon elephant.  We were up for the challenge so Room Five followed Snapguide and Jacquis post and these are the pictures that we came up with.  We'd like Jacqulene and the Techie Kids to judge the picture that they think is the best, that followed the steps as mentioned by Snapguide, and tell us who she thinks that the winner is!  The Melville Intermediate School Room Five student who wins will receive a prize in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mr. Webb's Class,

    This is Jacqueline. I'm The girl who made the elephant Snapguide. When I found out you liked my project so much that you wanted to try it, I felt shocked!

    All of the elephant drawings were fabulous! I have chosen a winner. The person that I chose was... Jamie! Thank you for liking my video so much!

    Techie Kids
