On Friday Melville Intermediate School held the first of our Athletics Field Days. At Melville Intermediate School all students compete in Athletics then we have a 'Elite' competition where we select the students to represent us at the Inter-Intermediate Schools Competition. Another innovative thing that Melville Intermediate does is that the students run each event. The teachers are in charge of their class and making sure everyone competes but the students themselves run the events at each station, and rotate around from place to place. We have a record back to 1967 of the best school results in competition, which we will post online for your school to compare yourselves against! We sent Molinda, Janice and Vitolina out with a Camera to record some of the action, filmed at Melville Intermediate on Friday 30th October 2009.
Classroom page of Y7/8 at Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato, NZ. (Formerly Room 8@ Melville Intermediate School). 2009-2013. This site is now closed.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Y7 Speech Finals

Melville Intermediate - CPA: 2nd Night Show
This is footage is of the second CPA show at Melville Intermediate School last week, this is the Kapa Haka section of the show. Filmed by Matthew from Room 12.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Good Luck to the CPA
Tomorrow morning at 4am the Melville Intermediate School Cultural Performing Arts Group (CPA) leave Hamilton for Australia and performances in Sydney and the Gold Coast. We'll post an itinerary online tomorrow as we know we have students/teachers who follow this site online who will be watching some of the shows in Australia! All the students, tutors and teachers have put in a huge amount of work into the project and the performances will be wonderful. The hard work at school culminated last week in the night shows on Tuesday and Wednesday for supporters and parents in two shows at Melville Intermediate School. So many highlights but these are just some from the 'Maori' section of the show on the second night. Filmed by Matthew from Room 12 who did a superb job!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Appleby School in Nelson.

We've only just tried a few class to class link ups and this is something that the Room 8 students are really excited about. Its a great opportunity for our students to further their learning. We had a look on Google Maps and if we drove to the School it would take us 14 hours to get there!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Melville Intermediate - School Gardens Tour - Spring 09 Part Two
On Friday we had a fund-raiser for the Melville Intermediate School Gardens. We thought it would be a good time for an actual tour of the School Gardens to take place so you could see what the money was being fund raised for. Arahia from Room 8 went to the gardens with a Camera Crew consisting of Liam and filmed this guided tour! Filmed at Melville Intermediate on Friday 23rd October 2009. This is Part Two of Two.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Melville Intermediate - School Gardens Tour - Spring 09
On Friday we had a fund-raiser for the Melville Intermediate School Gardens. We thought it would be a good time for an actual tour of the School Gardens to take place so you could see what the money was being fund raised for. Arahia from Room 8 went to the gardens with a Camera Crew consisting of Liam and filmed this guided tour! Filmed at Melville Intermediate on Friday 23rd October 2009. This is Part One of Two.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Melville Intermediate - 'Green Day' Garden Fundraiser
On Friday at Melville Intermediate School we had our 'Green Day' Fund-raiser. As an Enviroschool we were raising money for the school gardens which will be replanted shortly in spring. Every student had the opportunity of coming to school in Mufti (non-uniform) if they made a gold coin donation ($1 or $2). There was also a competition for students dressed in Green. Each class had to nominate two students dressed in green to go forward to the finals judged by Mrs Bleakin and Mrs Wilson. Of course Room Eight was there with Vitolina filming Arahia as she watched the competition! Filmed at Melville Intermediate School on Friday 23rd October 2009.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Environmental Garden Fundraiser
Green day was held at Melville Intermediate School today- as a fund-raiser for the school gardens. Students were encouraged to dress in green, with the best students being involved in prize giving in the afternoon - check out some of these Melville Intermediate School students!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Melville Intermediate - CPA Performance
We've been so busy last night, and tonight with our school cultural group the CPA and their big performances for the evening! We're working through processing the data from two hour long show as well as hundreds of photographs and will be looking at posting them in the coming days! This is a performance from the warm-up Tuesday show by the students performed for the rest of Melville Intermediate School. Filmed by Arahia on Tuesday 21st October 2009.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Hip Hop Group Perform
Footage shot from our big school show on Tuesday 20th October of the Melville Intermediate School Hip Hop Group. Filmed by Arahaia at Melville Intermediate School Hall. Our School Hip Hop Group has been building momentum towards the evening performances, taking place tonight at the School Hall in support of the CPA Group and their trip to Australia!
Melville Intermediate - Cook Island Girls Drum Dance
The Cultural Performing Arts Group put on an outstanding show yesterday for the rest of Melville Intermediate School in the middle block. So many highlights, so much to include but one of the absolute highlights of the wonderful show was the Cook Island Girls Drum Dance. This was filmed by Arahia at the show on Tuesday 20th October 2009, from Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Cultural Performing Arts

Monday, October 19, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Using Twitter to Work Out the Price of Milk.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Leo Club Fundraiser
The Leo Club is a fundraising group for helping our community, and other schools in need. Last term the Leo Club went to Sir Edmund Hillary Middle School in Auckland. We all do some similar projects like sausage sizzles etc. Sir Edmund Hillary School have been fundraising every second Monday or Wednesday by selling popcorn at their school. The popcorn is put in a microwave oven for between three and three and a half minutes. We sell it to students for two dollars a bag and every Friday (when we sell the popcorn at Melville Intermediate School) we sell about 30 bags every Friday. We have five or six students who help Mr Yardley to sell the popcorn. We've made a video below of us selling Popcorn on Fridays so you can see the whole process. Report by Jamie from Room 8. Video filmed by Jamie and Santana from Room 8 and presented by Jamie.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Church College CPA Performance 2
This is the second part of our CPA Group performance at Church College in Hamilton, New Zealand. Filmed by Mana and Kalem from Room 8 on Wednesday 14th October 2009. This is our famous CPA Group who are performing next week in the evening as a final fund-raiser before their trip to Australia later this term!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Tamaki Film Festival Entry

Melville Intermediate - Church College CPA Performance
Yesterday our School Cultural Performing Arts Group (CPA) went to Church College in Hamilton for a performance. Next week at school we have a series of performances from this group in preparation for their trip to Australia! This is the Cook Island Dance Group performing, it was filmed yesterday by Mana and Kalem from Room 8 who went with the group for thier show.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Melville Intermediate - 2009 Online Film Festival

If you classroom would be able to contribute a 4-5 second clip for the movie could you contact Mr Webb at Melville Intermediate (myles.webb@gmail.com) and we'll fill you in with details of what we require!
Melville Intermediate - Online Movie Festival

We'll be announcing how you, anywhere in the world can help with the Melville Intermediate School entry for 2009. We'll be posting the details of that here tomorrow, please stay tuned and if you'd be prepared to help us out we'd really, really, really appreciate it!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Melville Intermediate - A Video from Hamilton.
In a few short weeks Melville Intermediate is going to be participating in a students competition film festival - we will be posting the details online tomorrow of how you and your class could help us and our students, in the meantime we've just started networking with a new classroom, Mrs Cone Class from Hafford School in Canada. This video is the draft of what we're going to post for them and features Molinda, Vitolina and Nicole. We're going to view this in class, look at it and edit it before we repeat for the final version in a few days. Posted/Filmed on Tuesday 13th October 2009.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Tutpup Strikes Again!

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Milk Craze - Thank You!
Yesterday I decided to put up a pre-emptive post about the Price of Milk, in preparation of our return to school on October the 12th. To say that I have been blown away by the response that has already been generated is a huge understatement!
We've had replies already from Scotland, the USA, Canada, Australia and internally from New Zealand in the few hours since the post has gone up, the students will be thrilled with this, and we'll be busily collating all the responses so far, and of course getting in touch to say 'Thank You' for your help. If you are someone whose left a comment, tweeted or re-tweeted the original request then thank you so much the students will absolutely love it! To all the schools, classrooms and individuals that we have been in contact with this year tomorrow we're back into action for the first week of the new term so we'll be in touch shortly!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Can you help us for Term Four?

On Monday 12th October 2009 Melville Intermediate School starts the final term of the 2009 School Year. Our topic is going to be milk. We'd like as many people as possible to help us with this. To start with if you could comment and tell us how much milk costs in your country or location, and then anything else about milk. If you class has done some interesting Milk Experiments or you know of some cool sites then please leave us a comment as always we'd love to hear from you!
Melville Intermediate - Mould Experiment 3
These photographs were taken on the last day of term and are a continuation of our 'Great Mould Experiment Series'. Those of you following our blog since the start of the year will know that we 'bagged up' a series of sandwiches on February 25th and have left them in the classroom since then. Its been interesting to note by Keegan and Leigh that the Sandwiches with the Marmite have moulded the least where as the one that's been affected the most is the bread that was left without a filling. The experiment we're hoping to maintain until the end of the School Year in December (pong permitting) or if there are developments in the future!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Technology Challenge 2
For this technology challenge the students in Room 7 (which Mr Webb teaches on a Tuesday and Wednesday) were challenged to build the biggest tower possible using straws, put a plate on top and on that plate balance a round lolly. Only this time three had to be placed on top of the plate and balanced successfully for the tower to count. Congratulations to Hemi's group who'se 40 straw structure came in at over a meter!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Term Three Positive Draw
Melville Intermediate Schools Positive Reinforcement of Students relies heavily on the end of term positive draw. Students who are role models for others during the term, or who give 100% during the term have a positive which they take home to parents and then are placed in the Y7 or Y8 draw bins for the end of term draw. This special assembly is a major event at the school where the students look for a chance to be rewarded for their great work throughout the term. This year term three's draw was hosted by Elijah and Summer. Filmed at Melville Intermediate School by Room 8's Arahia, Vitolina and Rachana.
Melville Intermediate - Interface NZ Magazine Awards

A reminder that this blog is currently on remote access as the teacher in charge of the blog is currently in Christchurch, New Zealand for Ulearn09!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Gardening Option
This short video is footage of the Y7 Option Class for Gardening. In this class students get to complete tasks related to the Melville Intermediate School Garden, and for the completion of the task, at the end of the five week block the students got to create their own Greenhouse! Filmed at Melville Intermediate on Thursday 24th September 2009.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Brends Video Farewell Tour
For term three we had Brend from Korea in Room 8, on the last day of school, for the classmates that he has back in Korea he filmed this video with Keegan from Room 8, a farewell tour of Melville Intermediate School. Filmed on the last day of Term Three - Friday the 25th of September 2009 at Melville Intermediate School.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Maori Bone Carving
This is Raukawa from Room 8 whose just finished a five week course in Bone Carving as part of his elective options at Melville Intermediate School. Throughout the tour of the workshop you'll here the term Matua - this is Maori and loosely translated as 'teacher' or 'mentor' and is used with the first name of the teacher as a sign of respect. Filmed by Michael at Melville Intermediate on Thursday 24th September 2009.
Melville Intermediate - Sites you MUST visit

My favourite New Zealand Blog, and one that I go back to, nearly every day is Little Voices, Little Scholars. The class is located at Point England School in Panmure, Auckland, New Zealand.
It's a Year 1/2 class which means the students are either 5 or 6 years old. Normally you'd think that this might present difficulty with the students presenting work, but not in the case of the students and the teacher Mrs She. Its a wonderful site and if anyone ever tells you that students have to be older to blog, or a certain age to post online this site will prove them completely wrong. If you have the time you should leave a comment to the students there as feedback is such a wonderful, valuable thing. A site that you can't miss and you MUST visit.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Basketball Champions Tribute
Over the last few days we've been busy in the background preparing some releases for our students, one is the talent quest DVD, the second is a DVD celebrating our Melville Intermediate Girls Basketball team winning the Girls title at the Nationals, Mr Webb has been mucking around with Photostory to compile some of the photo's taken of the team for the end of the DVD. This is what he came up with - to once again acknowledge the team and the wonderful spirit and team work that they showed from the event. Credit for this idea needs to go to the Tamaki College site where I saw it!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Timothy's NZ Cooking Show
This is the preview for a new online show that we are starting next term (don't forget its the holidays in New Zealand at present and students start back on Monday 12th of October!). Timothy from Room 17 is hosting his New Zealand Cooking Show - this is the promo/test video for the show. He will be cooking various New Zealand treats for our audience in New Zealand and around the world. Filmed at Melville Intermediate School on Thursday 24th September 2009.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Melville Intermediate - School Rock Band
At our talent quest on September 16th we had a special act, the debut of our new school Rock Band, singing "Three Little Pigs" as conceived by Green Jelly. The group had the whole crowd entertained with their wonderful performance! Filmed by Alex, Joe and Liam on the night. If you'd like to order the DVD we're selling it early next term as a fund-raiser for our school cultural group as they prepare for their Australian trip for the CPA group.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Melvilles Got Talent Solo
This was one of the highlights from our School Talent Quest - a beautiful rendition of 'Pokarekare Ana' by Te Aorangi from Room Two. Recorded at our School Talent Show on Wednesday 16th September 2009 at Melville Intermediate School Hall. We will be selling copies of the DVD of this show next term as a fundraiser for the School Cultural Performing Arts Group (CPA) as they prepare for their trip to Australia.
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