Winning School Speech 2009 from myles webb on Vimeo.
Classroom page of Y7/8 at Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato, NZ. (Formerly Room 8@ Melville Intermediate School). 2009-2013. This site is now closed.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Melville Intermediate - School Speeches 2009
This is the winner of the Melville Intermediate School Speech Finals for 2009, performed in front of the Hall at Assembly, over three hundred students.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Welcome back USA!

Lastly there's two classroom blogs that are always essential to visit when looking at work of students in the USA. Mr C's Classroom Blog in Noel, Missouri, USA and Mr McClung Blog. You are expected during the course of this week to leave comments on all four sites, but remember the commenting expectations and rules.
Melville Intermediate - 2010 School Speech Topics

1. Is our climate really changing? Where`s the evidence? How do we know.
2. Show me don`t tell me "Talk about air pollution and how to reduce it where you live.
3. One mans trash is another mans treasure"-persuade us to recycle.
4. Make today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today "what are you doing about sustainability?"
5. Science is simply common sense at its best.
All Melville Intermediate School students have to prepare a three minute speech on one of these topics. These will be performed in front of the class and the best two speeches will go forward to the syndicate finals later in the term, from there the best two Y7 finalists will compete against the top two Y8 students, finally once this has been all sorted the best school speaker will perform his or her speech at the Waikato Inter-Intermediate Speech Finals!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Hip Hop 2010 Preparations
Next week we have the 2010 AIMS Sports Competition in Tauranga, this is the Nationals for Intermediate aged students in New Zealand and our students have been preparing for some time for the competition. We have our Girls Basketball team who are the defending National Champions, who warmed up with winning the Waikato Inter-Intermediate Competition last Tuesday in Te Awamutu, defeating Fairfield Intermediate in the Semi-Finals and Tokoroa Intermediate in the Finals. We have our Boys Football team competing for the first time and on Wednesday in the Gymsport Competition we have our School Hip Hop team. The team is busy preparing and of course we can't show you the full routine this is footage of the group preparing!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Winter Olmypics 2010
Up to this point our biggest sports involvement for 2010 was our Winter Olympics Team who travelled to Totara Springs for competition. One of the highlights of this events was the Cheer Competition when each of the six schools in the competition had a performance on the final night. This was also the Cheer that Melville Intermediate School performed at the Pre-Match Entertainment at the ITM Cup Match between Taranaki and Waikato. Filmed by Mrs Bleakin
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Melville Intermediate - 10,000 2010 Visits

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Melville Intermediate - CPA at Rukuhia School Part 3
This is the final highlights from our school Cultural Performing Arts Group (CPA) and their performance at the Waikato RTLB Conference at Rukuhia School. Filmed by Benita and Terrina from Room 8.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Japan Compared to New Zealand
Last week we were very lucky to have students from Saitama City in Japan at Melville Intermediate School and six of those students were in Room Eight. Our students had an opportunity to talk about their culture with the students in class, to help them understand a bit more about New Zealand. Chase created this slideshow with his 'buddy' student.
View more presentations from WaikatoForever.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Melville Intermediate - CPA Highlights
Further highlights from Melville Intermediate's Cultural Performing Arts Group (CPA) show at Rukuhia School in August 2010. The group did an outstanding job and are looking forward to their star turn in the School Musical which takes place in week nine. Filmed by Benita and Terrina from Room 8.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Y8 Prep: It's a Steal!

Unfortunately 'persons unknown' decided to break into Mr Webb's house on Friday night taking Room 8's digital imagery of the event, and along with the Room 8 Video Camera and all of our tapes from the last week and a bit!
We can't therefore post the material that we were hoping to, which is a shame, however if by chance someone in our area has found the tapes, or perhaps they turn up at some point as a result of a good Samaritan then we'll post the footage online as soon as possible. Its even possible given how many visitors to this site we get that someone may find the tape/bag etc and locate us through this post, which would be wonderful. Perhaps they could drop the school items in at Mount View Road, Melville, Hamilton.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Macaroni and Cheese!
Melville Intermediate School students twice a week have technology lessons. At present students from Room Eight are experiencing two ninety minute lessons a week in Music, ICT, Art, Electronics and Food Technology. Mrs Brown the Mevlille Intermediate Food Technology teacher is famous for her kitchen and Isla from Room 8 created this tour of the kitchen for you to have a look around.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Saitama Students Exchange
Footage of the Cultural Activities our students and those from Saitama City, Japan were involved in yesterday. This is combination of activities from Samoan Sasa that our CPA taught the Saitama City students. There's also the cultural activities that our students learnt from the wonderful Saitama students.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Saitama City Exchange
Today at school we had a cultural exchange with students from Saitama City, our students were lucky enough to take part in a huge range of activities between ourselves and the students! Nathalie and Shania went with the digital camera and video camera to record this wonderful opportunity for us to experience Japanese Culture.
Melville Intermediate - Saitama Cultural Exchange
This is a very special video. Shot by Nathalie and Shania its of the students from Saitama City, Japan, who are on a cultural exchange with Melville Intermediate learning from the CPA (Cultural Performing Arts) of Melville Intermediate School learning a traditional Samoan Slap Dance (Samoan Sasa). It was filmed on Monday 16th June 2010 in our school hall.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Commenting for Week 5
Nearly half the way through the term already! A lot of the classrooms that we've been interacting with around the world, who've been on their Summer Breaks, are about to start back this week! We're very excited about this and look forward to hearing from those classrooms that we've networked with in the past. In the meant time we've got three class blogs to visit this week and leave comments. The first is a Class Site that although we've not been on, know a lot of the classrooms that we network with, its the Smarties from Australia. Next we'd like you to visit our good friends at Room 10, Point England Primary School, who've been one of our biggest supporters since we've been online. Finally you'll need to travel to Springston E-Team site, review a piece of work and leave a comment.
Melville Intermediate - Welcome for Saitama City
This video is highlights from the Powhiri for the Japanese students from Saitama City, Japan who are currently staying in Hamilton and are at Melville Intermediate for Classroom Exchanges. Filmed by Rachael and Tamara at assembly on August 12th 2010.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Possum Encounters?

Were looking for anyone from New Zealand or elsewhere for that matter, who've had experiences with Possums, at home, on the farm or at school even. If you have could you please leave a comment to us, if you've got pictures or other media forms, even better!
In New Zealand they're a substantial pest, with between 30 and 70 million in the country, estimated to be eating 9 million tonnes of vegetation a night! You can check out more about Possums by reading here.
Melville Intermediate - Wai Maths Competition
Last week Melville Intermediate School had a Y7 and Y8 team competing in the 2010 Wai Maths Problem Solving Competition.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Saitama City

Currently at Melville Intermediate we are experiencing a visit from a group of students from Saitama City, Tokyo, Japan. The students are spending a week in New Zealand and we are hosting several in each classroom. On Thursday to welcome the students and teachers to our school we held a powhiri, or welcome.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Melville Intermediate - The CPA at Rukuhia
Yesterday our Cultural Performing Arts Group (CPA) performed for the Waikato RTLB Cluster Meeting at Rukuhia School. It was a very challenging environment for the students as there was no elevated stage for the students and a seated audience in front! These highlights are from the show with our CPA Samoan Group. Filmed by Terrina and Benita, Room 8.
Melville Intermediate - Prep: Pie or Penalty
This is an advertisment for a group of Y8 students (some of whom were in Room 8 last year) its for a stall they are running for PREP our Economic Stall day next Friday. The advertisment is created for that stall so you can watch it and see! The MISMs that are referred to is Melville Intermediate School Money (MISM) that is the money created by the students for the day. Students from Y7 classes are able to purchase MISMs on the day before the stall day to use to pay for goods and services.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Prep 2010
Its that time of year again, when our Y8 Melville Intermediate School students create an economic business for our market day. The market day is being held next Friday at Melville Intermediate School. This year Room Seventeen is the resource room. At present its open for a block a day and students can loan resources from the room for their projects, there's a huge range of activities from Pony Rides (!) and Jewellery stores. This will be a major event for Melville Intermediate which you will be able to follow online. Turning back the clock Twelve months one Bailey (from Room 8, 2009) took a camera and conducted this tour of the Prep Warehouse. Filmed at Melville Intermediate on Wednesday 11th August 2010.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Art Technology 2
This is Kieran's Explanation of what the students in Art Technology were doing on Monday and Tuesday. Currently Room 8 students have technology twice a week, for 90 minutes a session to compliment their classroom learning. Filmed on Monday 9th August 2010 at School.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Music Class for Technology
This video presented by Holly from Room 8 is footage of the Technology lessons at Melville Intermediate School. This was filmed by Holly on Monday 9th August 2010. Students of Melville Intermediate have technology twice a week for two ninety minute sessions for lessons including Electronics, ICT, Food Technology, Materials, Music and Art.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Melville Intermediat - Back to Commenting

Saturday, August 7, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Pulse Battle of Bands 2010 Pt2
This is the highlights of our second school band performing at the 2010 Waikato Intermediate Battle of the Bands Competition (Pulse). It was filmed at the event by Mr Bell, Melville Intermediate Schools Music Teacher.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Pulse Battle of Bands 2010
Highlights from our School Battle of the Bands performance from last Fridays Pulse Inter-Intermediate School Competition. Filmed by Mr Bell the School Music Teacher, this is group one of our two school groups performing 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' by Nirvana on Friday 30th July 2010.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Melville Intermediate - WAI Maths Special Upload
We've had a request from two of the schools involved in our Wai Maths Collaborative Project to upload a embeddable version of the problem, so here it is. Thank you all once again.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Wai Maths 2010 Video Entry
This is our Wai Maths 2010 Video Entry. A huge thank you to everyone that has contributed to it over the past two weeks. Bradley is writing a detailed description of the whole process which we will post later today. His estimate that the question would travel 500km there and back to everyone who made a video answer to the question was out by nearly 80,000km as you will see!
Wai (Waikato) Math's have a competition next week, where Bradley, Kelly and Lana from Room 8 will be competing at representing Y7 students at Melville Intermediate School.
As well as viewing this video we'd also like to acknowledge the contributions from the following Schools (and of course you can click on the hyperlink to visit them): Otewa School, King Country, Broadlands School, Reporoa, Bairds Mainfreight Primary Auckland, Mr KT Class Bell Aire Primary School in Geelong - Australia, Mrs Yollis Califorina USA, Mr C Missouri, USA, and Anthony Capps from the University of Alabama in the USA. Thank you all so much the students hugely appreciated your collaborative online efforts in making this video possible.
Wai (Waikato) Math's have a competition next week, where Bradley, Kelly and Lana from Room 8 will be competing at representing Y7 students at Melville Intermediate School.
As well as viewing this video we'd also like to acknowledge the contributions from the following Schools (and of course you can click on the hyperlink to visit them): Otewa School, King Country, Broadlands School, Reporoa, Bairds Mainfreight Primary Auckland, Mr KT Class Bell Aire Primary School in Geelong - Australia, Mrs Yollis Califorina USA, Mr C Missouri, USA, and Anthony Capps from the University of Alabama in the USA. Thank you all so much the students hugely appreciated your collaborative online efforts in making this video possible.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Melville Intermediate - School Production Rehearsal
This is rehearsal footage of our school production that is currently rehearsing for a big show later this term. There will be a detailed report about the production written by the students tomorrow.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Wai Maths to the USA!
We've got a deadline to meet for our Wai Math's Problem and yet again our network and audience have supported us, again for the third time we've had an answer from the USA, despite the fact that the students are on their summer break. If you've been following us for a while you'll know we've been looking for the answer and an explanation of the strategy used. A huge thank you to Anthony Capps a student from Dr Strange's Class at the University of Alabama in the USA, and his sister Christina who answered the question. You can watch the video here. Tomorrow at school were going to collate all the videos in an attempt to get a video finished for the competition. Thank you again, the students will be so thrilled.
Melville Intermediate - SPCA Draw
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