Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Melville Intermediate - Geo Caching Recount

during week 3 of term 3 we started options on Friday in the middle block. I was in geo caching geo caching is when you use a GPS or in this case we were using Google maps to track down some caches/little boxes you use a decrypter and an x and y location .Once you have found the cache you write your name and the date on a sheet of paper .You put the cach back exactly were you found it.
In Geo caching I have found 4 caches and have and have gotten to step four of a multi cach .A multi cache is when you go to different locations and find little slips that have anther location on it .You need to keep doing it until you find the cach .There is also a puzzle cache which is when you have to solve a puzzle to find the cach.
So far this term I have enjoyed it because the mental challenge required to solve the puzzles to find the cache.  Recount by Ryan - Room Five.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic, On our Museum sleepover we walked up Baldwin Street and with Mrs K's phone I found a Geo-Cache.
    It is a very fun activity and helps people to explore the world, or New Zealand.
    -Michaela, Room 6 St Mary's Mosgiel
