This is the part two tour of the Music Room.
This is our first official video we made together. The crew was Kelly, Shania, Nathalie and Lana. We'd like to thank Mr Bell, our music teacher for letting us film in the music room. In our tour we showed the marimbas, keyboards, guitars ( electric/ acoustic), ukelele, the recording stidio and the drums. In the recording studio we made a recording using Kelly's voice, guitar and some drum beats. Hope you enjoy the video and please post a comment.
Classroom page of Y7/8 at Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato, NZ. (Formerly Room 8@ Melville Intermediate School). 2009-2013. This site is now closed.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Melville Intermediate - School Music Room
This is our first official video we made together. The crew was Kelly, Shania, Nathalie and Lana. We'd like to thank Mr Bell, our music teacher for letting us film in the music room. In our tour we showed the marimbas, keyboards, guitars ( electric/ acoustic), ukelele, the recording stidio and the drums. In the recording studio we made a recording using Kelly's voice, guitar and some drum beats. Hope you enjoy the video and please post a comment. Part One of Two.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Tour of Materials
We were doing some sewing in the sewing room filming what we did. We were making pencil cases. We were all trying very hard to make the sewing straight it was very hard. The filming was by Isla and the presenter was Tamara and the other person who was helping was Rachael. It was hard to film because the camrea was not on a tri pod. This is our first video of 2010.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Melville Intermediate - 2010 School Worm Farms - Part 2
This is part two of Lana and Samm's Worm Farm Video detailing the transferring of our school worms and the start of our School Worm Project for 2010. Melville Intermediate is an Enviro School and we do things at our school to help the environment. We are very interested in hearing from other schools around the world what you do for the Environment at your school, if your able to leave us a comment on this post we would really appreciate it.
Melville Intermediate - School Worm Farms
On Friday 19th February 2010 a group of students learned from the vice principal Mrs Bleakan how to do a worm transfer. They got newspaper,food scraps and they got a hand full of soil and worms and sorted through it. the school uses the worms to make soil for the gardens and then we spread the mulch all over the garden.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Y7 Singing 2010
On Friday 19th Feb 2010 all the y7 singing at Melville Intermediate School. Mr Bell music teacher. Flimed by Elecia and Benita
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Anahere demonstrates a Mihi
Room 8 have been learning our Maori Mihi (Greeting) and practising them. Some of our students are very fortunate that they know there's already, as we're going to shortly start teaching some other classrooms. Anahere had her Mihi filmed yesterday and did a fantastic job. She also included a Waiata (song) at the end. It was filmed by Nathalie and Lana on Wednesday 17th February 2010. Also Room 2 yesterday helped out the Room 7 St Claires classroom from Dunedin you can check out a link to their Mihi collaboration by clicking here.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Tour of Art Room
Students of Melville Intermediate School twice a week have 'Technology' where they have specialist lessons in subjects such as Art, ICT, Electronics, Music and Textiles. Room 8 started their Technology lessons on Monday. On Tuesday at our second attempt at filming Kelly and Samm filmed a lesson in progress in the Art Room. This video is presented by Samm and filmed by Kelly. It also stars Otis! Filmed on Tuesday 16th February 2010 at Melville Intermediate School.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Blending with Pastels
Yesterday Room 8 started our Technology Options. One of the opportunities available to students at Melville Intermediate School is to have the students have extra lessons in a specialised area. One of the Technology Options that our students are currently in is Art. Kelly and Samm from the option created and filmed this video of thier Art lesson - they spoke to Bradley from Room 8 and he demonstrated how to blend with pastels. Filmed at Melville Intermediate on Tuesday February 16th 2010.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Our first 2010 Video: Stolen Gutter
This is our very first 2010 video! We have been working our way through the digital process so that we can publish our introduction videos and Mihi next week, but when we got to school this morning, we discovered that the coper guttering from outside of the classroom had been stolen overnight! Room 8 then decided to film the event and also had Jahnard, Kelly and Shania interview our school caretaker Mr De Ryke about the theft. We will be viewing this in classroom tomorrow, so any feedback that you could leave would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Melville Intermediate - Technology Starts Today!

Students of Melville Intermediate School have the opportunity to take a variety of technology subjects. Today Room 8's technology options started with Art, Computers, Electronic's, Textile and Music being available! These are some of the pictures from todays lessons! Can you guess which photographs goes with which subject?
Melville Intermediate - Learn from your students!

I would like to acknowledge both these students for thier help as it was a great help to myself and will be for the future!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Room 8 in the Music Room

One of the fantastic things about Melville Intermediate School is the opportunities available to the students. Today Room 8 were lucky enough to be able to be in the Music Room with Mr Bell, the School Music Teacher for the Morning. Mr Bell was also the organiser of last years 'Melvilles Got Talent' show. Some of the highlighs were the Room 2 Girls Singing Group, Te Aorangi from Room 2, Ave Maria from Room 1, and not forgetting (what was our then) very own Cleveland from Room 8, a wonderful night and we all can't wait for Melvilles Got Talent 2010!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Scavengar Hunt
Today's task for students from Room 8 is to take the classroom digital camera and to take the following photographs from locations around Melville Intermediate School. You will have a restricted time to do so and need to repeat the photographs so they match as closely to the original as possible! Good luck this is not going to be as easy as it seems!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Week 2, Literacy Task
You need to choose two of the links that are below and leave a comment on a piece of work at that persons class page or individual page.
When you leave a comment proof read through your comment before it is saved, check that there are no spelling mistakes and make sure that you leave your first name only, Room 8, Melville Intermediate, Hamilton, Waikato (and New Zealand if its overseas).
If you are not sure get Mr Webb to check your comment before you publish it! Remember that your comment needs to be positive and think about what you learn t and enjoyed by reading the post!
1. Tanieul is a Y7 student at Point England School in Auckland. He has his own blog and is one of the main presenters on the school TV station that the school has, he's produced this video to talk about his work which you can look at by clicking here.
2. Mrs She's Classroom is the Y2 Class that we looked at last week. The students in that room publish a large amount of their literacy work online, you can check them out by clicking here.
3. Mr Lamsheds Classroom is a Boys Class in Adelaide, Australia. They may come to New Zealand to visit later in 2010! You can look at the students work on their classroom page here.
4. IST Grade 2 are an International School located in Tanzania, Africa. You can visit their site and see their work on simple machines by clicking here.
5. Mrs Yollis has a classroom blog in Califorina - last year they were Runners Up in the International Edubloggers Award, they have some wonderful work online and you can click on it here.
6. Mr Salsich Classroom is part of Dean Mill School in Connecticut, USA. His third grade class are currently looking at Boat Building, and boat building ideas, you can click on the link here.
8. Mrs Bee's Classroom is in Dunedin, New Zealand. They have just started blogging like us like week, they had some innovative fantastic ideas in 2009 this years work by clicking here.
9. There are plenty of other classrooms around New Zealand and around the world, just locate the classroom links bar on the left hand side of the classblog, you can visit any of the classrooms listed.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Melville Intermediate - Class of 2010
Today we had our very first day as Y7 students of Melville Intermediate. Our first task was to take some photographs of ourselves using the school digital camera. These are some of the results.
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