Sunday, August 9, 2009

Melville Intermeidiate - Stanley Ave School Performance

On Friday the Melville Intermediate School CPA and Hip Hop groups travelled to Te Aroha to perform for Stanley Avenue School on Friday 7th August. This was the Hip Hop groups first actual performance in front of an audience - would it all pay off? Would the students hard work come through in the performance? Judge for yourself - Bradyn and Prashant were there to record the event. Filmed on location on Friday 7th August.


  1. What an incredible effort!
    That looks amazing. I'll show my year 5/6 kids and they'll be inspired to try and copy your moves.
    Well done!

  2. Well done team. If you hadn't said that it was the Hip Hop groups first performance we would never have known. Very entertaining and slick!
    My attention was caught by the title to this post - as an ex-Te Aroha resident, I was around when Stanley Ave School started ;)
    Keep up the good work...

  3. Wow. That was so awsome maybe you can come to morrinsville intermedate school and preform in our new hall thats if its ok.

  4. WWWOOOWWW those moves are awesome you guys are SOOO good.You guys should do a hip hop compition or something because you are REALLY REALLY good.I loved the part with the whight gloves.IT WAS AWESOME !!!
