Friday, June 18, 2010

Melville Intermediate - How to make Maori Poi 2

This is the second lesson in the tutorial series, created by our students.  The first lesson concentrated on the plaiting of the wool for the handle.  This is the construction of the main part of the Poi.  You need to watch yesterdays video first as it had the start of how to make it and this is the second part, created by students of Melville Intermediate on Friday 18th June 2010.


  1. Girls, that's a really clear step-by-step guide on how to make a poi. I hope you can help us all with the songs and the poi moves that go with them?
    I really like the way you showed exactly how to do each step and made it all look so easy.

  2. Kia Ora Melville Intermediate,
    We enjoyed watching your movie about making a poi. Our Pounamu group uses them but we're not sure if they've made them themselves. We hope our teacher will let us make them too.

    From Room 10@Pt England School

  3. Hi, I'm an ECE teacher in Nelson and this week I am making poi with some of my 4 year olds. Thanks for your great guidance on how to make poi! Suzy
