Monday, October 19, 2009

Melville Intermediate - Using Twitter to Work Out the Price of Milk.

In Room 8 last week, we put a post on this site asking for people around the world to tell us how much milk cost in their country. We had so many responses! Over 20 comments from around the world! We took all the comments and printed them out and made a display on our window outside the classroom. The students and staff from all over our school have been reading them. The big piece of paper you can see is the learning intention and an explanation of what we did, the smaller posts are the tweets themselves. After converting all of the currency to New Zealand dollars we have discovered that India has the cheapest Milk in the world at 8c a litre! This even had some of the teachers at our school sceptical but we've also been given addresses, contact information and websites within the original comments and we've started checking through these to double check all the information - if you were one of the many people who helped us with this post and gave us feedback on behalf of the entire class thank you very much, the students were thrilled with the response and really appreciated it.


  1. Hi Room 8,
    I have been trying to get twitter going for my class but haven't had much success -looks like you guys are doing better.
    Tell me how you got going, what advice you would give us and how we can develop a Learning Network with Twitter.
    I have twittered my email address to your teacher. We will check you out online on Thursday -email us your twitter name so we can follow you.
    Mrs McRobert
    NPS ROOM 3

  2. This is a wonderful idea! It is great how you are using twitter in the classroom.

  3. Thanks for posting the followup! I'm always amazed that something I said or wrote has been seen and read on the other side of the world!

    Best wishes to you and your class, and just send out a tweet if you want help with any other projects in the future!
