On Friday the 31st of July students from Melville Intermediates CPA and Hip Hop Group had an opportunity to go to a dance studio and practise infront of a mirror to focus on improving thier presentation. Filmed by Cleveland and Destyn from Room 8 on Friday 31st July.
Today myself and a whole lot of other students went to the 'Born to Dance Studio'. We went as Melvilles Hip Hop group and CPA. I was very lucky to have the chance to go to such a place and rehearse. We were able to perform in front of huge mirrors which allowed us to see ourselves and improve our routines. Caitlyn, Room 8.
Classroom page of Y7/8 at Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato, NZ. (Formerly Room 8@ Melville Intermediate School). 2009-2013. This site is now closed.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Classroom Building Program 3
This is the second part of Meighan, Arahia and Jamies report about all the building that is currently in progress at Melville Intermediate School. We are having new changing sheds built and also new toilets put in, and some of the classrooms are being inlarged considerably or having additional rooms put towards them - the music room for instance is being tripled insize and will now have a recording studio attatched to it! Filmed at Melville Intermediate on Thursday 30th July 2009.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Celebrating Maori Language Week

Melville Intermediate - Soccer Skills 6
In this video we're attempting to teach you a difficult manoeuvre called "The Rainbow" filmed outside Room 8 at Melville Intermediate, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand on Wednesday 29th July 2009 by Scott.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Melville Intermediate - CPA Frankton Markets
On Saturday morning the Melville Intermediate CPA (Cultural Performing Arts) Group performed at the Frankton Markets as a fund-raiser for their trip to Australia later in the year. The students performed three sets of their material to an appreciative audience. This video shows some of the highlights. Filmed at Frankton Markets, Hamilton on Saturday 25th July 2009.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Building Update
Join our reporters Arahia, Jamie and Meighan as they explore some of the major reconstruction that is taking place at the moment at Melville Intermediate School. Have you ever wanted to have a look around a ruined toilet? Now's your chance...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Maori Language Week

Melville Intermediate - Drumming Demo
Fredbricko from Room 1 has been learning to play drums since the start of this year at Melville Intermediate School. He's been getting regular lessons through our Music Department! Mr Bell has been watching his progress and he gave a demonstration of his ability (including the reading of sheet music at Assembly on Thursday). We were so impressed with Thursday's performance that we decided to film him and present it online - filmed by Bradyn and Prashant from Room 8.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Students Rock Band
We had a wealth of material recorded at school this Friday to try and keep up with all the wonderful events and opportunities that are available to students at Melville Intermediate School. Our two school rock bands have been practising under the expert advice on Mr Bell. This is footage of Kiola's band (he's the lead singer) performing 'Proud Mary' by CCR. Filmed by Bradyn and Prashant from Room 8.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Soccer Juggling 2
In this video, Kaleb was warming up for an instructional Soccer Skills video. He's managed to do 200 consecutive soccer juggles before, but we've only ever managed to get 50 or so on tape. In this warm up if you count them you will see 155! Filmed by Scott (who did an outstanding job) on Friday 24th July 2009 at Melville Intermediate just outside and around the corner from Room 8!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Band 2 Practise
This footage is of our other school rock band performing. The band is preparing for the Waikato Intermediate's Battle of the Band Competition. The teacher in this footage is Mr Bell who is our Music Teacher at Melville Intermediate School. Filmed by Prashant and Bradyn from Room 8.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Construction Update
This video was completed today by Vika and Jamie and shows some of the major construction going on at Melville Intermediate. Filmed on Wednesday 22nd July 2009
Melville Intermediate - Another Melville Site!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Hip Hop Rehearsals 4
Probably one of the most well received series of videos from last term was footage of the school hip hop group rehearsing. This term the group came together on the first day back, and of course we were there (Liam, R8) to record the rehearsal. Filmed at Melville Intermediate on Monday 20th July 2009.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Maori Poi Dance
As regular visitors to this site will know later in the year our CPA (Cultural Performing Arts Group) later in the year is heading to Australia for competition. As part of some of the fundraising that is going on students from Melville Intermediate School were fundraising for a second time at the Frankton Markets on Saturday morning. Our students performed three 40 minute sets at 9:30am, 10:30am and 12:30pm. These are some of the highlights from that show.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Can you help us please!

This term there's two projects that were involved with that we'd like some assistance with. Firstly Room 8 is studying the Waikato River for our main topic. We're comparing the Waikato River (its the biggest River in New Zealand, our longest and widest) to other rivers around the world. If you'd be able to spend a little bit of time leaving us a comment about maybe a local river near you or your school or a river of importance to your country so we could compare them with the Waikato River that would be wonderful... just leave us a comment to one of our river posts!
Room 7 (Who Mr Webb works with on Tuesday/Wednesdays) are taking part in the Economics Unit of Work. The students have to create a product to sell to other students... we're looking for idea's for things to produce or services to offer... if you've got any great idea's we'd really appreciate it!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Term Three Research.

The most important as a work resource is this one from the Waikato Museum. Click here to link to it. We have also listed a number of other river sites and general Waikato Sites -these are located in the side bar under useful links.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Melville Intermediate - AIMS Basketball
As you should know later this term the Girls Basketball team from Melville Intermediate have not only the Inter-Intermediate Waikato Schools Finals but also the 2009 AIMS Games in Tauranga. Having already won the Totara Springs Winter Olympics Girls Basketball hopes are high for the School team. This is footage of the final against Aucklands Takapuna Intermediate.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Holiday Update

This is the second and final week of the New Zealand School Holidays for Term Two. Students will be returning to school on Monday 20th July. Due to a technical error on the part of the teacher who runs this site, there will be limited postings until the students return. What the teacher did on the last school day before the holidays was to accidentally delete 60g of video footage from the last two years, all the originals from this site and tamakitoday.blogspot.com (too big to go into the recycle bin apparently, its okay I'm nearly over it now, two weeks later!) We look forward to reconnecting with you next week and thanks for your visit!
Room 8, Melville Intermediate, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Melville Intermediate - R7 Technology
This was a technology challenge that was conducted with the students of Room 7. In it the students had newspaper and no additional material and they had to build a 'bridge' to support as much weight as possible between two desks. Students when the allotted time was up (which was slightly longer than half an hour) had to apply weight in the form of text books to the bridge. The challenge was to build a bridge without using selotape or any additional resource other that just the paper. The winning entry from Gemma and her team was able to hold onto 27 Maths Text Books, which was then topped off by 23 School dictionaries and it still didn't collapse! The Girls then followed this up by carefully having a student sit on the bridge! (who weighs 45kg and the bridge still would not collapse!)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Boys Haka
This is further footage of the Melville Intermediate Cultural Performing Arts Group (CPA) at Frankton Markets on June 27th. This is the Boys Haka. Most people are aware that there are different Haka for each region of New Zealand depending on the tribe or Iwi. As we are in Waikato the main Iwi is Tainui.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Long Poi Performance
This is footage of our long Poi performance from the Frankton Markets on Saturday 27th June 2009. It is to aid our CPA's Cultural Trip to Australia which takes place later in the year.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Melville Intermediate - School Holidays

Melville Intermediate - Maori Cultural Performance 2
This is another of the highlights from our Saturday 27th June show at the Frankton Markets in Hamilton. Our Cultural Performing Arts Group have a trip to Australia later this year and this is part of the enourmous work that they are doing as part of the trip.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Melville Intermediate - AIMS Games here we come

Friday, July 3, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Maori Cultural Group
This video is from Saturday 27th June 2009 and is of the School CPA (Cultural Performing Arts) Group at the Frankton Markets. Students were busking to raise money for our cultural groups trip to Australia later in the year.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Melville Intermediate - Maori Cultural Performance
As part of our CPA (Cultural Performing Arts) Group Fundraising for thier trip to Australia they spent last Saturday busking at the Frankton Saturday Morning Markets in Hamilton. They raised a lot of money for the trip and entertained the public.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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