Monday, January 11, 2010

Melville Intermediate - Online Collaboration Speaking Maori

Our students who will be at school again shortly (in three weeks) to begin the year have a task relating to the learning of their Mihi (greeting) in Maori. Once the students have learned this greeting we'd like to give them the opportunity to teach a Mihi to another classroom. This year at Melville Intermediate all of our Y7 Classrooms will be doing this online, so we'd like to get at least five classrooms that are interested. Room 8 did this last year with Allanhk's Class at Appleby School near Nelson, in the South Island of New Zealand and it was one of the highlights of the year (view it here!)! If your class would be interested you can leave a comment to this post and we'll get you sorted from Mr Webb.


  1. This sounds like a great idea Room 8. Are you practising whilst you're still on holiday or waiting till you start school again?

  2. We are VERY interested in being a part of this collaboration. A couple of students made a Mihi last year, and this will fit in well to our program as we build up to a possible NZ visit in term 4. Fantastic.

  3. I reckon we'd be interested!

    Rob Clarke

  4. Mr. Webb (and room 8)
    Thank you for leaving your reply on my blog. To tell you more about thanksgiving, it's the 3rd thursday of november. Some history for you: When the pilgrims had a really rough season of growing their crops, the native americans taught the pilgrims how to catch a turkey, keep their corn and potatoes safe from frost, animals, etc., and how to make a cranberry sauce. Now it's a national holiday! From

  5. That sounds like lots of fun mr Webb! No class though :(
    Hope you are not working too hard over the holidays :)

  6. Dear Mr. Webb,

    My third graders and I would be interested.


    Mrs. Yollis' class

  7. Hey Room 8 - we're Room 9 at Raumati Beach School and Year 5 students - we're going to be learning our mihi as part of our Relationships unit - maybe we can share our mihi with you late Feb/early March?

    Room 9 & Ms Fothergill

  8. We'd love to participate though we haven't got experience yet...

  9. We are 2 classes of Second Graders (7-8 years old) in Michigan; United States. Our teacher, Mrs. Lykowski, loves to collaborate with students all over the world and she told us about you. We would love for you to teach us about New Zealand and your culture. Maybe we can teach you about the United States!

  10. Hello Mr. Webb,
    Thank you for visiting our blog and reading about our Iditarod assembly. My second graders would love the ooportunity to Skype with you and learn from your students. We would also love to teach you something about living in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
    Enjoy the rest of your holiday and we look forward to visitng your blog when your class returns in February.
