
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Melville Intermediate - Girls Basketball 2012

Our Girls Basketball team played again this Tuesday night.  As Room Five is hosting the School Assembly on Friday we filmed the game so that we could show it.  Our Girls team started playing in Week 1 of Term Four last year and didn't win at all, this year they've started really well with two wins in a row, although they were up against a very tough team in the X Factor, who are a club team who have Boys playing for them.  Filmed at YMCA on Pembroke Street on Tuesday 28th February 2012.  Watch to see how we did!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Melville Intermediate - School Garden Tour

This tour of the School Gardens was conducted by Rose and Kylie and was filmed by Asinate at Melville Intermediate School. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Melville Intermediate - Our Mihi for 2012

We're back into the swing of things with our work at Melville Intermediate School and one of the things that were famous for, one of the things that we're world famous for, is our Maori Language Work (check out some of the videos on our pages to the side).  This year we've got some of the students from some of the other classes helping, so we started with this question to students in Room One - what's a Mihi and can you give us an example.  Filmed by Bianca and Jamie on Monday 26th February 2012.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Melville Intermediate - Singing in Room Five

At the moment we're very lucky to have Mr Bell going through the classrooms teaching singing to the Melville Intermediate School students.   Room Five are lucky enough to have in come in every Monday morning for half an hour.  Students are really enjoying the singing, and today Mr Webb recorded the session, this video are some of the highlights, including a touching rendition of 'I found a peanut' which is a song that remains popular with students at MIS.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Melville Intermediate - Woodwork Explanation

Its nearly the half way point of Term One for Melville Intermediate 2012.   Our students all start new technology classes next week on Monday (they have technology Monday and Tuesday, two ninety minute sessions, three hours in total).   Today Sam from Room Five spoke about the Woodwork Room and showed this footage of a project he's been working on in the last few weeks.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Melville Intermediate - AIMS Games 2012

Although September might seem like a very long way away, our Melville Intermediate School Girls Basketball team has started preparing for the 2012 AIMS Tournament.  There's such a long way to go, and while we won't know until later in the year if we're defiantly going to be there the team has started by playing their best on Tuesday nights at the local Hamilton competition.  The Girls are playing against club teams and Boys teams and have had two wins, against the Golden Dragons (28-14) and KBC Korus (37-18).

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Melville Intermediate - Mr Cooke Interview.

This video was created by Kayla and Icis from Room Five and features an interview with Mr Cooke, the Melville Intermediate School Principal about of School Canteen (Tuck Shop) what money is raised by selling food to the students and what that money is used for.  This is the students first video for 2012 and we will be watching it and assessing it in class tomorrow.  Filmed by Icis on Friday 17th February 2012.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Melville Intermediate - Commenting Challenge#1

Today's commenting challenge is as follows.  You need to select one of the three class pages from this list and description.  You need to travel to the blog that's hyper linked and leave a quality comment to the class and the students.  You will only have until today to complete the challenge and you have Technology after lunch so that only gives you block one or block two.

Remember the features of a quality comment: that its positive, that it asks at least one question and is left in a way that lets the person find us through our class page.  I will be checking these comments online later today and I expect them all to be completed.

Hamilton East Primary School - The teacher started blogging with last years class only last year but did a fantastic job.   She has a new class of New Entrant students but they are producing some fantastic work like this excellent post about the School Garden, think about what the students at Hamilton East are producing from their garden and it could be inspiration to us.

School 72 is from Russia.  We looked at picture of the student in the snow.  They lead a very different life to us in New Zealand but it is incredibly interesting to watch and learn from.  Click on this wonderful link here, find a great post and leave a comment.  They may be even sending their class mascot to us on the other side of the world!

St Barnabus in England.  This is the second of the classrooms that we're paired up with for Quad Blogging, just like with Mr Listers Class! So follow the link to their class page if you choose and leave a comment.  Remember as we said right at the start to think about the question and make sure that you check and proof read for grammatical and punctuation errors.

If you manage to leave three quality comments on all three pages that are then published by the teachers I will reward you with a special prize - but you must have all comments left by this afternoon, Tuesday, before lunch!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Melville Intermediate - Jamie's Canadian Research

 When we were brain storming about Mr Listers classroom in Canada yesterday Jamie was able to contribute quite a lot of information - that's because as one of her tasks last year in class she had to produce a brochure about a place that she really wanted to visit around the world and she chose Canada! What's more she was able to bring in the brochure to show the class and we thought we'd post it here too!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Melville Intermediate - Quad Blogging 2012

We're very excited to be involved in Quadblogging this year, paired up with two classes in England and a class in Canada.  Today we concentrated on Mr Listers Class in Canada.  Firstly we brainstormed about our knowledge of Canada, individually and then as a class.   We used our knowledge to develop five questions each to further our knowledge about Canada and left these as comments on the student blogs of the children in Mr Listers Class.  They have certainly been doing some wonderful stuff.  You can check out their awesome blog by clicking on the link here.

Melville Intermeidate - Class Mascot Around School

Inspired by some of the mascots that we've seen online in different classrooms around the world, Jamie, Elizabeth, Bianca and Asinate took the R8 Donkey around the School for some exercise and came up with these creative locations for it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Melville Intermediate - Art Technology 2012

We're just starting with week three of the school year and students are all getting ready to post the first videos of 2012.   In preparation for that we've also had students preparing videos early about the lessons in the classroom that they are having as part of the learning program at Melville Intermediate School.  Team A has Technology twice a week on Mondays and Tuesdays, for two ninety minute sessions.  One of the Technologies that students take during this time is Art.  This is Kayla's tour of the Art Room filmed on Monday 13th February 2012.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Melville Intermediate - Showcase at Assembly Part 2

Melville Intermediate Assembly on Friday was an opportunity for Room One to showcase some of their talent.  At a days rehearsal (yes, really) two students were able to show their musical talent, with the assistance of Mr Bell on the Electric Guitar and perform the song 'Wipeout'.  Filmed on Friday 10th February 2012.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Melville Intermediate - Showcase at Assembly

On Friday 10th February it was Room One's turn to host Melville Intermediate School Assembly.  Room One had two items for the school to see, this being the first, a performance of a Waiata. 

Melville Intermediate - School Lunches 2012

This is the school lunch orders for Friday 10th February 2012 and shows the lunches that students at Melville Intermediate School can order, which they do from Mrs Brown the Cooking Teacher, before School.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Melville Intermediate - National Anthem

Melville Intermediate - School Assembly.  On Friday 10th February 2012 Melville Intermediate School hosted its first formal assembly of 2012.  The New Zealand Anthem is sung in Maori first (one of three official languages of New Zealand with English and Sign Language being the others) and then in English.

Melville Intermediate - Looking at the Key Competencies

Today in class we looked at the Key Competencies - this slideshow we located on Slideshare and was created by Dan Hrstich to explain what they are.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Melville Intermediate - CPA Promo at Activities Night

Today on Wednesday 8th February 2012 Melville Intermediate School had a Meet the Teacher/Activities Information Evening.  Student and there families were able to come to Melville Intermediate and look at some of the activities they could be involved in for 2012.  One of these is the Cultural Performing Arts Group at MIS (CPA) which performs each year in Samoan, Maori, Hawaiian and Cook Island Culture.  Whaea Guzzo who is in charge of the group filmed this introduction, helped by Tara and Leliana.  Filmed at Melville Intermediate School on Wednesday 8th February by Jamie and Sam from Room Five.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Melville Intermediate - Cooking Technology 2012

This is our very first in class video for 2012! Students at Melville Intermediate School rotate around a series of Technology classes twice a week for ninety minutes sessions in a five week block.  Currently the students in Room Five are involved in Cooking, Music, Art, Woodwork and Science.  Today in Cooking Class Deighton from Room Five presented this short video about what the students were up to today, and Ryan filmed it.  Filmed in the Cooking room on Tuesday 7th February 2012.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Melville Intermediate - Skyping in 2012

Today the new students from our class Skyped for the second time, the first time with another class.  We were lucky enough to be able to Skype with students from St Clair's School in Dunedin.  Before we made the connection we talked about who had been to Dunedin (three of us) and what we knew about Dunedin (which was not very much, only that it was in the South Island and it was cold).  We looked on google maps and found out there was nearly 1,000km between our schools!  You can visit their wonderful blog by clicking on the link here.

We had to go to a PE session in the middle block but Brae (filmed), Sam (technical expert), Sarah, Damien and Veronica were able to talk to the class and as World Ukulele Day is coming up we were lucky enough to have the students from St Clairs play and sing to us! We then answered some questions as you can see in the video!

Following this we tried our first call to the United States of America! We spoke to Mr Miller whose a teacher in California - there weren't any students in his class but he was able to talk about his class, and we were surprised to find out although it was Thursday morning in New Zealand it was only Wednesday afternoon in the USA!  You can visit Mr Millers wonderful blog by clicking on the link here.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Melville Intermediate - The Class of 2012 is Here!

We're back at School for 2012 - and what a better way to introduce the class then by showing these digital camera self portraits of some of our 2012 Melville Intermediate School students...