
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Melville Intermediate - Rachana's Milk Add

In class as part of our Milk Unit for study this term students have to design thier own Milk Product, including the packaging. As part of this the students have to create their own advertisment to go with their product. Rachana from Room 8 took a camera yesterday afternoon gathered together some other students and filmed this effort. As a class we will be viewing this on Wednesday morning, discussing what we're seeing and coming up with suggestions for it as a piece of work, so that it will improve the presentations from others.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachana,

    This Milk project looks like such an awesome idea and your movie is really cool. I like your advert - we're going to have a go at making a tourism advert for New Zealand so keep an eye out on our blog!

    Good luck with the rest of the project - we'll keep watching your learning!

    Miss Hughes and Room 13, Yendarra School
