
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Melville Intermedate - Dipity Term One Recount

I'm looking at expanding the displays on this blog so have run dipity for the timeline. Thanks to TimB at Southwell School for the idea/link. If you haven't visited his class blog then have a look at the link here.


  1. Hey, I'm Christina from the other side of the globe. (U.S.A.) I've always been fascinated with New Zealand and hope to at the very least visit there. I guess while it's spring for us, it must be fall for you all. Make sure that when you get a chance you post on my blog, Students Rock.

  2. Love the dipity idea. I am going to have to check it out. I have a question though about your school calendar. How many days are your students in school? Here in Beaufort, South Carolina it is 180 days and I was wondering if that was applied to other places as well. I will check back here for the answer!

    Mrs. Heaton

  3. I love this time-line! I want to use this tech tool for helping my boys manage the process of writing a research paper. You are doing such fabulous work with your students!
